Ermalone (mestanolone)
Androgenic 78-124
Anabolic 107
Chemical Name
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Mestanolone is an oral analog of dihydrotestosterone. This steroid is a 17-alpha methylated form of this potent endogenous androgen, being essentially (in structure) to DHT what methyltestosterone is to testosterone. Overall, mestanolone has an activity profile not very dissimilar from the hormone it is derived from. For starters, like DHT, mestanolone is primarily androgenic in nature, displaying a low level of anabolic activity. Both DHT and mestanolone are also devoid of estrogenic activity, which eliminates the chance for estrogenic side effects like water retention, fat deposition, and gynecomastia. In fact, both should be measurably anti-estrogenic in effect, inhibiting the aromatase enzyme in a competitive and dose-dependant manner. Among athletes, this drug is valued for its ability to promote pure strength gains and improved aggression and focus, with minimal gains in total bodyweight.
Androgenic 78-124
Anabolic 107
Chemical Name
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Mestanolone is an oral analog of dihydrotestosterone. This steroid is a 17-alpha methylated form of this potent endogenous androgen, being essentially (in structure) to DHT what methyltestosterone is to testosterone. Overall, mestanolone has an activity profile not very dissimilar from the hormone it is derived from. For starters, like DHT, mestanolone is primarily androgenic in nature, displaying a low level of anabolic activity. Both DHT and mestanolone are also devoid of estrogenic activity, which eliminates the chance for estrogenic side effects like water retention, fat deposition, and gynecomastia. In fact, both should be measurably anti-estrogenic in effect, inhibiting the aromatase enzyme in a competitive and dose-dependant manner. Among athletes, this drug is valued for its ability to promote pure strength gains and improved aggression and focus, with minimal gains in total bodyweight.