Fasting impact on Cholesterol


Well-known member
So I have bloodwork scheduled at 12:15 today, and due to not wanting to be hungry all morning and trying to maintain my calories I’m not going to fast. How much should I expect this to impact my cholesterol levels?
If your test calls for fasting your basically wasting your time I believe if you were supposed to fast it will effect it I can understand though my last blood work my doctor was like wtf because I drank a soda which was a treat for me right before the test. I also had to wait until like 2pm and I was thirsty and hot it looked good and my sugar was through the roof on the test lol
So it will effect outcome which lines im not sure depending upon what you ate.
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If doc called for fasted then you should be 8-12 fasted.

I get at least 4 a year, usually 6. I know there are some opinions that say fasting isn’t necessary for hdl/ldl BUT it is for triglycerides. It’s best to just not eat after midnight and schedule draw first thing in am.

Intake of food will mess up blood glucose for sure also.

That’s about my limit of knowledge.
Around 7:30 this morning. I scheduled the bloodwork on my own so it wasn’t a doctor telling me to fast but I know for cholesterol it’s recommended. I may just say screw it and schedule another test for cholesterol alone in a few weeks if they are off. And do first thing in the am lol
I hear ya brother!

I take my oatmeal with me and eat it in the truck immediately after draw.

Good your getting labs done. Early detection and action is the key.
Any blood sugar/glucose will be skewed also. Our bodies are funny. As soon as we put almost anything in our pie hole…the body starts going to work.

You probably know that. I’m just blathering on.
No biggy. My doc does schedule non fasted labs every couple of years just to see how everything is functioning. That usually comes with a urinalysis.