First compound after TRT cessation


Well-known member
So here is my situation. I’ve been on TRT at 200mg a week. I have tolerated this very well. One of my total testosterone checks came back at 3500 last time. My doc said Holy crap and so did I. I think I pinned the previous day before bloodwork. My previous results were always in the 2000 range. Thats on only 200mg of test C per week. I have no clue why it was that high. I’m 41 years old. 5’10 190lbs. Fairly muscular and have been since my teens.

A couple months ago my wife came to me about wanting another child. I had a sperm analysis done and I came back totally infertile. Doc told me to come off testosterone and start clomid. I thought I could maybe do some testosterone and clomid would still work. It didn’t. I ceased testosterone on July 2nd. July 21st my test was 171. The next week it was 181. Last week it was 389. This week I feel back to normal before trt. Probably in the 600 range. Lh and fsh were in the normal range last check.

So anyways, while on clomid it has sucked. Hardly any testosterone and mood swings. I gained some fluff in the midsection as well.

The moment my wife is pregnant (fingers crossed) I want to do something more than just test. I have been stockpiling the testosterone that I haven’t been taking. I want to do maybe NPP. I have read that its sides are usually mild. I want to do 400 test and 300 NPP per week pining 3 times a week.

Is this a good idea? Since I seem to do well with low amounts of test, is this a good dose?
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What are your goals? Nandrolone has more risks compared to other compounds which is something to keep in mind. More things on bloodwork to watch for as well.

Good second compound choices in my opinion: primobolan, Anavar, proviron,
My goal is approximately 10 lbs of lean mass in 16 weeks. I dont like the idea of water retention so I was trying to stay away from Decca even though I know NPP is Decca with a different Ester. I’m scared of Tren. I know masteron won’t do much. EQ was an option but I dont want my estrogen levels to crash drastically. Any time I take an AI, my libido tanks.

So primo and some proviron sounds good. I’ll wait to take Anavar until later. If something goes wrong I want to know what caused it so I’m trying not to do multiple compounds .

Thanks for all your advice.
I always say less is more. As far as compounds i
Like that stack and numbers. If your diet is in check you won’t gain fluff. Diet is key with gear. I’ve tan deca and anadrol during prep and my first thought was holy shit I’m going to get fat. To my surprise i got leaner and added lean mass.

Just keep diet in check and keep dosages as low as you can.

Also ask your doctor about hcg it will boost your natural test levels and should up sperm count.
I have read where EQ somehow works as a mild AI and will block aromitization when used in conjunction with test. I am estrogen sensitive where if I have just a little over normal, I get gyno. If I have to little, it causes ED.

Of course that could be totally untrue but I’m sure someone here has a lot of experience with EQ.
All my labs on EQ and it used to be the only thing I ran, my estro has been fine.

Only way you will know for sure is to rub it yourself.

I never heard anything about this EQ acting as an AI until this more plates more dates dude said it.
I personally didn’t care for eq. Just wasn’t a bang for my buck thing. That’s been a long time ago though. Maybe 15-20 years.
I have always liked it. But then again I’ve always been looking for long slow gains, and EQ does the trick for me. I haven’t ever been interested in being a mass monster or Setting strength records but everytime I’ve run EQ I got a little bit bigger and stayed lean.
If you need some help brother. I went through the exact same thing. Took 5 docs to get my test levels to where I felt good. Then found out I have a less than 1% chance to have a child we tried for couple of years then went to fertility clinic and first thing they said was come off your TRT cause it’s the cause. they put me on clomid. I asked why not hcg or hmg as well and they said clomid would work. I told them if I stop my TRT I will feel like ass to the point I’m miserable. He said clomid will raise your test levels. Well I did what they asked and got some blood work after couple of weeks and test was at 25, yes 25 said he had never seen it that low. Clomid did nothing by itself. For fertility or for test levels. They would not try to do invetro unless my sperm count came up I was at 20, 000. I went to several doctors that wouldn’t help either as long as I kept my TRT. So i about gave up. It was killing my wife wanting to have a child and watching everyone else. Long story short ran into a complete stranger at gas station who gave me number to a place that was willing to help and they put me on 50 mg clomid per day and 1000 iu hcg 3 times per week. And I could keep my TRT. They said if it was gonna work it would no matter if I took my TRT or not after 6 months. It did sperm count into the millions and now I have a 75 lb 31/2 feet tall boy whose wrist and ankle bones are almost as big as mine and 4 more of them in the freezer if we want more. I did end up taking nolvadex with it because I guess the large amount of hcg raised my estro a good bit. Basically I was on PCT. for 6 months. If you wanna contact me I can give you info of place. But honestly save yourself a lot of money and do it yourself it cost me $$$$ but it was worth it
Here was my boy last year at three. So I say that it works there are better options than hcg now hmg is sposed to be far better
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Everyone always thinks he is 6-7 now or they think he is has learning issues, till I tell them he is only four. And they are like holy shit. He is strong too his traps already stick up. I’m like it must be the mailman cause he didn’t get it from daddy when I dropped him at preschool this year I thought we were in wrong line cause all the other kids are half his size
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I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he gets to his teenage years he isn’t hardly scared of anything now. He gonna be hairy like us too but it’s red bright red