First cycle questions and guidance


Well-known member
Hey all! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

I’m taking the dive and wanting to run my first cycle. Just trying to get everyone’s thoughts and ideas and what a good first cycle would be for me and my goals.

I am 5’10 180 pounds @ about 11 percent body fat. I currently strictly focus on strength and conditioning. A lot of Olympic lifts, Metcons, runs, and ruck marches. My goal is to get my Olympic lifts up as well as build my engine. My line of work requires me to be quick on the feet and strong. Kind of a double headed horse. (Military) I’m also looking at competing in future CrossFit events. My diet is the best it’s ever been. Good Whole Foods, complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats. I have a cheat meal once a week and that’s about it.

I was thinking about running strictly a test only cycle for the first time unless someone else has other thoughts?
Welcome and glad to have you. Test would always be preferred when its your first time along side with an appropriate PCT.

Something like the following below…

Test E/C- 1cc Monday and 1cc thursday
Arimidex- .25mg tuesday and Friday

Pct is your standard hcg or kisspeptin witg nolvadex and clomid.

All the best and glad to have you here.
Welcome.who you with what’s your MOS?
Test is best for a first cycle, great place here don’t be afraid to ask questions buddy
I’d suggest listening to Optum! Eat the right way and bust your ass in the gym and you won’t be disappointed!

Good luck!
Welcome! Alot of good reading here, seems alot I have seen Is where to start? Very common. I am new here and still gathering knowledge as well very intrested in my 1st cycle soon. Been working n dialing the diet in, I know everyone is different
Good luck man n happy gainz!