First Cycle Questions?!?!?


Well-known member
Been on TRT with 2 different clinics for about 15 weeks total now (10wks of 100mg per week test C 200 and currently on 200mg per week test c 200 both were split to a M/Th injection). First bloods came back looking better mid 600 range Estradiol around 35 w/o using an AI. I have my next set of blood work with the new TRT clinic scheduled for a few weeks from now. I know they wont increase my TRT dose age which I am fine with. But I have a wedding I have to attend In November and would like to lose some BF/add a little more muscle mass. I am currently sitting around 208 up from about 196ish prior to TRT. I don’t feel like any of the added weight is far. My wife says it’s muscle and water weight which I tend to agree with on most days. But I would like to get back to low 190’s while adding on a little more muscle mass. My diet is pretty clean but I do sneak in a pizza or burger 1x a week with the fam. I currently work out 6x’s per week roughly 1hrs each session. Normally no more than 60 seconds per rest between sets (Which to me I feel like is putting in the work)

My question for you wizards is….I have the free Saxon 300 Test E coming from the Sponsor of the month. Should I just add in one does if the test E per week? Lets say at .5 per week so Mon 100mg Test C, Wed 150mg Test E and then another 100mg of Test C on Friday for 10 weeks would almost bring me into the wedding timer frame. Or is there another product that could possibly give me better results and dry up some of the water weight from the TRT? I am new to all this but would like to see what my options are.

Looking forward to all of your inputs. Good or bad. Thanks in advance.
Alpha_Mentality said:
My diet is pretty clean but I do sneak in a pizza or burger 1x a week with the fam
Sneaking in a burger or pizza is fine. But I would start by counting your macros so you know exactly what’s coming in. Food and drink. Everything.

Diet is everything. Having strict control over your diet is always more important than gear.

I wouldn’t add anything in on your first cycle. I’d keep it simple with test only. Upping to 350 a week will surely cause some changes, most will tell you 500mg a week is standard for your first cycle but I personally prefer my test at 350mg a week on cycle. In my opinion less is usually more.

Dial in your diet before hand and you will see even better results from your trt.
Alpha_Mentality said:
would like to get back to low 190’s while adding on a little more muscle mass.
This is extremely difficult and takes time. Losing weight while adding mass.

If you want to get back to 190’s do that.

Personally I shoot for 1g protein per lb. it’s going to be hard to add any mass coming in under 2000 cals a day.
During the above 3 week Macro snap shot I posted, my daily CAL average was right at 2250 per day. It sounds like the way to go is to bump the test doseage up to 350 like I posted in my first post, increase protein intake and incorporate some cardio to see if that will allow me to reduce BF/water weight. I appreciate all the info and will always take more tips/insight.
Keep your sodium in check. Too much sodium will have you retain water also.

Me personally, I do the same thing every Friday night… family night out at restaurant. If we eat pizza, I’m swollen the next morning with all the sodium and carbs.

There’s a water manipulation protocol for things like you want… an event like a wedding etc. it will drain you of extra fluids. BUT it’s brutal and dangerous. I’ve used it for making weight before on 24 hour weigh ins.
Don’t think your gonna be able to recomp that fast. You may wanna think about doing a hard cut for next couple weeks then 8 weeks before wedding do a 8 week cycle with a caloric slight excess to add solid mass. Just a thought. I believe if you use test P it has less aromatization and will have less water weight. Is this correct @Poppy ?
I know there’s been a trend towards more frequent pinning (microdosing). There’s studies that support less sides doing it this way.

The testosterone optimization bible supports it wholeheartedly. I’ve closed in my cyp to e3d and feel great.
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