First of all, Thank you!


This has been progress so far
Welcome bro and WOW! Great job but def need to continue with dropping body fat until you get down under 15%. Id even continue till 10% before thinking of blasting. Your body will just use the extra calories you eat and convert them to fat when your bodyfat is above 12%. Adipose tissue will release chemical in your body to signal more fat to deposit and its a never ending cycle. The leaner you get the better your body will be a repartioning calories towards muscle building and fat burning instead of storing them as fat.
@VanillaGorilla I agree with @TrenGod… a protein sparring modified fast can be very beneficial for a man of your size. If you follow it up properly post diet you can keep the excess body fat off and begin to gain lean muscle.

Based on your photos you have done an excellent job coming this far in your weight loss. I still estimate your body fat percentage to be in excess of 30% which is going to make excessive estrogen conversion a real potential issue with the use of steroids.

Keep moving forward buddy. We are here to help you and at the same time offer some tough advice that you may not want to hear. At the end of the day the final decision will be yours and I hope you will continue to share so that we can be part of your journey.
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