Firts steroid cycle test prop + dbol

IOUs? 🤷‍♂️ Haha. Aye all I’m saying is it’s super hard to eat clean and achieve these types of numbers when you are away 🙂 idk about anyone else but it’s difficult to eat cold chicken. I eat chicken all day long with bbq sauce but in order to get another 200 grams and 2,000 more cals you talking two hole birds you gotta be snacking on chicken every 30 minutes lol. I sometimes find my self gagging on chicken as it’s hard to consume large amount of it. It’s easy when it’s cooked hot but super cold is rough hahha
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You need to focus on calorie density if you are trying to mass. All that shit in the lunchbox is good. But you can put a fuck ton of carbs (bagels, breads, rice cakes, etc) in a backpack.

Sounds like you’re gonna have to learn to eat cold chicken.

As far as fast food… you have to know your body. It’s already been stated but John can eat McDonald’s 7 days a week and not put on any fat.

Personally I would find a way to fit more food in my cooler. Zip lock bags instead of Tupperware. Something.

I personally feel like I’m going to die if I eat McDonald’s. Like I’ll have hot shits for days.
Haha yeah man. I cut up a routissourie chicken put it in bags. BBQ sauce. Peanut butter jar. Some fruits and some canned fish. Throw in some eggs etc etc then the box is full. I could eat fast food but I put on weight quick. If I eat over 2000 cals I’m getting fatter by the week lol. Chicken just keeps you so full as well. It’s almost painful to consume more food when you already stuffed lol.
That’s a nice chart
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Haha oh believe me. I totally get it. I’ve been at the 4000+ cal range for several years. Eating the way we want to is legit painful sometimes. Tuna packs take up less room, and usually publix, Walmart, or target has them on sale for $1. That’s when we stock up. Like buy 20-30 of them.

No easy way to do it. Your lifestyle adds a bit of a complication. But… If ya want it bad enough… you will find a way!
How is those tuna packs? Never seen them, I’ve been getting the cans and they are rough to down. Just gotta eat a handful and try to wash it down with water, same with the chicken.

Agreed to that. I consider myself fortunate to even have enough home time to go to a gym and afford any food/ gear that I please. The situation could always be much worse!
Canned salmon is gross unless your making salmon patties. Meal prep on Sundays. Make a shit ton of tuna salad. Tuna, olive oil mayonnaise , onions, celery, pickles, whatever. Portion it out over five days Per pack other portions of other food according to @NeuroRN charts. Use MyFitnessPal app. Record what your throwing in your gut for a few weeks then it’ll all make sense.

If you try to wing it day by day your gonna fail. Unless you have a super proactive wife. Gotta have that shit ready the night before at minimum.

Cowboy cakes are good too. Take two oatmeal cream pies and put a ton of peanut butter in between. This I love to eat about half hour before I work out. My son eats them before football.

Can’t you strap your yeti on the outside of the truck somewhere or throw it in the back?

Anyways. Best of luck. If you want it bad enough you will get it!!! We all here for you bro!!!
I’ve never done anything with that canned salmon besides eat it plain. I’ve done that tuna recipe it’s pretty good. My fitness pal I have on my phone when I started my cycle I counted all my cals,protein, and macros for 3/4 days then proceeded to eat the same thing every day after that 😂 never had cowboy cakes but sounds great. I need a change Or to implement different foods instead of eating the same exact thing daily. I feel like a machine/robot lol.
I keep the yeti up front man. Spend too much time inside the cab if I put the yeti in the back I won’t be able to consume all the food in it. I feel
Like my diet is pretty solid. The only hard part is consuming over 2000-2500 without eating dirty Lol so I just decided to stay around there. I’m stuffed all day and it’s hard enough just to eat what I got since I’m never hungry thanks to tons of cold chicken. If I add more to my lunchbox it would be a waste as I wouldn’t get to it anyways:joy: it seems to be working but only time will tell 🙂 thanks man.
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Gotta mix it up or your not gonna want to eat what’s in your lunch box. I like cold shrimp I dip in cocktail sauce. Wait for the grocery store to have a sale on already cooked and peeled shrimp when I can get a 2 pound bag for $14. Put in cold water night before. Fast easy snack food. Also cheese curds if your cholesterol can handle the extra saturated fat. I’ll take a carton of egg whites from store all homogenized and put that in lunch or drink it for breakfast. It’s not tasty but slug it down quick doesn’t take up room in stomach. It’s the most easily digestible protein. And 15 oz carton has 45 grams protein.
Exactly. I still force myself to eat it but ain’t gonna lie. It’s hard. I have no problem eating most my stuff it’s just that cold chicken I struggle eating but I manage to get it down with water and bbq sauce lol. I went to Costco and got a shit ton of shrimp premade with cocktail sauce and that was tasty. No issue trying to eat it either, I wanted that shit lol. Not sure about them C levels. I did blood work on week one (I should have done it before my first shot) and I did it on week 6 BUT I only tested for the hormones as idk what else to test for and it’s pretty pricey. I spend more money on bloodwork then I do gear. So that leads me to ask. When you do bloods, is there something else I should be checking besides hormone levels??
CMP test for kidney and liver function and cholesterol halfway into a cycle is what I do and at end of cycle some types of AARs can’t have an adverse effect on cholesterol also I am learning that I need to monitor my blood pressure see what it is pre-cycle and monitor it throughout the cycle to make sure it’s not creeping up too much when we are working old with heavy weights like doing 90% on a squat that pushes the blood pressure pretty high all by itself if it’s already higher than what our muscles are used to handling it could become dangerous. Everybody reacts differently to these different compounds and there’s things in our diet we can change sometimes to help make the adjustments to minimize the effects of the compounds or sometimes just decide that it’s not a safe compound if you cannot get it under control
Sounds like you’re in Italy, give @SymBiotecLab a shot, they got it to me in Italy. I pretty much exclusively use them now, very knowledgable and the products are always solid.

IMO, test prop isn’t the best to run for first cycle. It sucks pinning every other day if not every day. It’s not nice for beginners who are not used to it and there’s not real reason to do this imo.

Just run test e or cyp.
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I got ya. How old are you? I wonder for those normal checks I can probably just hit up my general doctor and get a routine check to see all that stuff on blood work through insurance. I go to a private lab for hormones check cuz the doctors won’t do it for me lol