SB Labs

Genabol (norbolethone)


Genabol (norbolethone)

Anabolic 350
Chemical Names 13-ethyl-17-hydroxy-18,19-dinor-17a-pregn-4-en-3-one
Estrogenic Activity Moderate
Progestational Activity Moderate

Norbolethone is an orally active derivative of nandrolone. Structurally, this steroid differs from normethandrolone (Orgasteron) only by the substitution of the 13-methyl group with an ethyl. As is common for a member of the nandrolone family, norbolethone is more anabolic than androgenic in nature. Early animal studies place the anabolic index of this agent at 20 as compared to oral methyltestosterone (the standard of comparison for oral anabolic/androgenic steroids), meaning that it has 20 times higher anabolic than androgenic activity. Although this figure may not translate perfectly to real-world human use, we can still expect a favorable balance of anabolic to androgenic effect. Comparisons to other commercially available agents would probably place norbolethone in a similar category to norethandrolone, both being effective anabolic derivatives of nandrolone, but with some additional estrogenic and progestational activity that makes them somewhat dissimilar to more purely anabolic agents such as Winstrol, Primobolan, and Anavar, Norbolethone is most appropriately considered a bodybuilding drug, and is less ideally suited for the needs of competitive athletes.