General Anesthesia & Surgery while on Cycle?

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Hope everyone is doing great!

I’ll undergo a major surgery in 2 weeks & was wondering if being on cycle will affect my response to general Anesthesia?

Only on Test 400/Week & 40 mg Dbbol /Day
plus 20 mg anadrrol on workout days the past 4 weeks with last dose of anadrrol yesterday.

Was thinking dropping Test to 200/week ( begining 1 week before surgery ) & stopping dbbol 2 days before surgery, is that enough?

I’ll also run full blood work a few days before surgery.

If anyone has personal experience with that or have any knowledge regarding that or even a link, I’d highly appereciate it! Thanks in advance!
There both 100% correct but also let your doctor know he should know everything especially if there knocking you out and cutting you open.

Your blood is going to be thick and other differences that a surgeon should definitely know about brother

Good luck I wish you the best surgery ever I would be open and honest others will say different in the end its your life
Agreed with everything posted. I have done the same. My doc told me the same thing before. Drop everything except test prior to and after for a bit.

For what it’s worth. Doc told me to keep trt levels as steady as possible for some time after surgery. I don’t remember how long he suggested.
MuscleGod said:
Only on Test 400/Week & 40 mg Dbbol /Day
plus 20 mg anadrrol on workout days the past 4 weeks with last dose of anadrrol yesterday.
A-bombs and Dbol together…… my liver would’ve packed up and moved the fuck out… damn!

Like everyone else said, drop the orals and keep the test.
Not pinning that side makes sense to me.

Are you still at risk of infection even now?
According to Ortho, it’s a forever fear. Not sure if there’s any truth to what he and the PA told me, but they both said I could get cuts anywhere on my body and if they get infected, the first place it would migrate to is hip due to it being a foreign object and in the direct search and destroy protocol of my immune system
A female bodybuilder recently died during surgery and they think that the fact that she was doing PED’s was part of the issue. Of course another issue could be the fact that they didn’t have a real anesthesiologist do the anesthesia. But yeah you have Dr. patient privilege with regards to that stuff so you should definitely tell at the very least your anesthesiologist that you’re using steroids and all the ancillary stuff so that they could be prepared for that. As long as they know what you’re doing you should be in the clear. You might ask to talk to the anesthesiologist ahead of time to find out whether or not you need to stop your junk before your surgery
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Wow. I’ve never heard that about joint replacement and ongoing threats of infections.
I’m sure it’s true. They wouldn’t just scare you with that.

Makes sense with the foreign object thing.
Appreciate everyone’s response! I’ll stop everything a week before Surgery except TRT dosed Test, I’ll also mention my blood will likely be thick & at high risk of blood clots due to family history which is true, & also run full blood test days before surgery for the Surgeon & Anesthesiologist to look at.

Y’all think stopping everything ( except Test ) a week before Surgery is enough ?
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Yea my Liver already moved out, hence why I’m now comfortably combing orals lol

Seriously though, I been on them for only 4 weeks & Adrol only on heavy workout days which is only twice a week, & I don’t usualy do that but when I do my Liver values don’t suffer too much but I definitly don’t plan on doing that no more, not worth the risk.
That’s tragic & unfortunate, the fact that her “Anesthesiologist” was never actually trained to deliver Anesthesia & the fact she was using Clenbutrol, a stimulate led to an unfortunate tragedy, she was only in her early 20’s
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