GH and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (The Tingles)

Protocol - 1 IU morning x6 days per week
Goals - Major knee surgery recovery, Heath, & Wellness

After 3 months the tingles and the numbness in the shoulders and hands got to a point where a break was needed. A week off seemed to help a lot.

Any tips or tricks to help with it? Maybe split up a smaller dose into am/pm…would a smaller does even be worth taking?
1 iu doesn’t seem like it would be worth it to me if it’s causing issues. That’s a low dose already so Gigi I many lower I’m not sure there would be any benefit
Maybe most overrated but I continue to use it hahah. ended still might I go back in forth on this
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I’ll come off after meet and see inhiw I feel
Differently the month I didn’t use I was sup optimal in training so can’t say for recent
I would use gh again but probably long I liked the vials I ran but I had bone growth and I believe it helped but also hurt I was running less
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So I’m still confused on the gh… I’ve read a lot on here do you just run it by itself and test? I’ve read things with insulin and stuff. It confuses tf out of me lol just trying to learn haha
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Yeah my shin grew and I get a pain at the top of my shin bone I didn’t gain any inches but it did heal some injuries better nothing perfect
All you youngins growing shit on GH! Doesn’t have that effect on me at all. Just helps me melt away some fat and give me a little more solidity, albeit only after six months of daily usage at at least 5iu ED. At 10-15iu, GH bloats me like DBOL and makes me strong as can be (which isn’t all that impressive in my case), but tingling and tired. Not worth it. At most, I’ll do 4-5iu 2xED, once in the morning and once at night. But more frequently, I’ll just do 5iu at night.