SB Labs

Glutathione Expiration

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Anyone familiar with Glutathione expirations? I got a script of 3 10ml vials July 2023 from doctor. One left I wanted to use. It has a 30 day best used by date. Weary to use it as I see a lot of stuff online about glutathione rapidly deteriorating in room temp after short periods of time which makes me think it’s fragile. It is still sealed, and has always been refrigerated. I’m leaning toward just chucking it and getting more as it’s pretty inexpensive, but if anyone has any guidance let me know.
I really have no idea on actual “shelf life”.

I could argue both sides….like @Neuro and you said… toss it to be safe…. It’s not all that expensive.


July of last year is 7-8 months… not all that long ago and you’ve properly stored them ….use them
I noticed you said rapidly deteriorating at room temperature and you said that you’ve had it refrigerated. Which means it probably hasn’t seen much light either. I’m with @Poppy it could go either way. I’d probably just toss it seeing as it’s not expensive.
Loooooovvvveeee how everybody has some kind of cool nickname… But John?..well he’s just john Dammit… 🤣🤣
Fuckin love it…
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