HCG and non crypto

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Well-known member
Ok guys. I’ve been off and on lately… on some prescribed TRT and realize I must be dealing with overworked or just ignorant HC folks. Hate to say it but when the nurse tells me the TRT i’m on won’t shut down the testicles I am a bit skeptical. especially when they are doing a disappearing act that would amaze PEnnand TEller! I went to order more from where i bought it last… they seem to be out of stock on all formats of HCG. My question is, i think legit and OK to ask here.
I don’t have crypto and i don’t really have the time right now to educate myself. DO any of the sources here take normal paypal or venmo or credit card purchases? if so has anyone figured out which ones take cards or non-crypto currencies?
I have to assume the vendors here are trustworthy or they wouldnt be here… but does anyone have a list of a couple that take credit card or e checks?

much appreciated
What @John said. There’s 2 that I use exclusively. They take wu and w to w. I’m sure there’s others that I’m unaware of.

Surf around on here. You’ll see them.
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