Hcg discussion, hcg protocol, hcg ,using hcg

i know ppl that run regularly. now. my self. after a run. and im 51. …i run like 4 weeks. at 1000 a week. it works for me…and i continue on with my cruise. …i also know people that stay on 500 ew.
my TRT protocol for hcg is just 250iu per week.
I dont have anything to compare to, just what I’ve always done. Seems to keep the boys full size and I generally feel real good.

I use synthetic hcg, I think its made the same way as HGH with recumbent dna. IT’s in a preloaded pin made by Ovitrelle.
i came on thread and seen a good subject , hcg. and for the record. …what i have learned is a thread will start out 1 way then sometimes take a turn. , (but a good turn) so i think this is a very good thread over all. alot of information shared here. … i like good respectful debatable threads.
if it did get hyjacked i appolagize. …but. i like this thread. … when i can learn. i like. …
@Burrr that’s a great example to prove my point, you’re on TRT, Only using 250iu/week & its getting the job done.

@Bigmurph that’s ^ an example that 500iu/week is more than enough to keep everything going, also hCG is not approved by the FDA for men yet, so like you said, it’s dosed & meant for women trying to get pregnant.

@Titanings I would worry more about desensitizing the boys to your own LH & FSH from that high dosage of 500iu/Day lol it’s better run throughout cycle at low dosage to prevent testicular atrophy from ever happening in the first place!

It’s like avoiding a disaster you know will happen before it ever happens THAN if to let it happen & then try to fix the damage afterwords. HCG run throughout cycle prevents testicular atrophy from ever happing & thus wouldn’t need to blast HCG end of cycle to fix the damage you’d have let happen if not run throughout cycle.
MuscleGod said:
that’s ^ an example that 500iu/week is more than enough to keep everything going, also hCG is not approved by the FDA for men yet, so like you said, it’s dosed & meant for women trying to get pregnant.
But trt doctors have there patients taking from 250iu to 5000iu at one time off label.
I get its meant for women but its being used a lot more especially nowadays. I have spoken with guys on trt that take 1000iu e wk doctor prescribed.
Im going to research more about the amount of hcg where you start to damage yourself rather than help yourself
I’m not sure the exact details, but I do remember reading dr. Scally state that the HCG use should overlap with the first week of PCT.

There is a lot of variation on the suggested dosage of HCG. My own testicles are proof enough that 250 iu per week is enough to prevent any shrinkage.
Yeah its taken like hgh in the stomach its a inj right under the skin into the fat lair.
I would say that hcg for weight loss is a myth that some weight loss clinics and dirt products promote. Its bs though its from a study where they inj women with hcg and said it tricked there bodies into believing that they were pregnant and it would have them go into using up fat storage faster but it also says that they can only take in 500 cals a day. I wouldn’t say its the hcg I would say its starvation.
Thats what ive been hearing. I guess nothing beats good old fashioned hard work and diet huh? Well i need to drop.ive been going 6 am. And again at 7:30pm. This is going to be a glorious recovery. Thanks again brother
To answer your question Iron no HCG was taking during cycle only before PCT. So basically if the cycle ended on the 5th (last cycle pin) of the month, then on the 16th (11 days after last cycle pin) would pin 500iu of HCG per day up to the 26th (for 10 days). Then on the 27th which was 21 days after last cycle pin then start PCT of nolva/clo was run. PCT was started 21 days after due to long ester of deca/sustanon

Hope that helps explain it better