Hcg dosing after reading USH


ICU nurse/Moderator
I recently read USH. It was great, tons of great info, but he seems to think the twice a week pinning of HCG isn’t ideal.

He says 12 pins a day in 2 hour intervals. I definitely don’t have time for that. Has anyone tried essentially micro dosing HCG and pinning it once a day? Just curious if this would actually be of any benefit?
Yes. I’ve been on TRT over 10 years. I don’t know any smaller dosing or if it would work. I was put on this regiment and my boys dropped and I gained some fullness in my nuts. I guess this is my protocol. I never really asked why. Doc said “let’s start you here and see if this works” like most hormone therapy, they are starting with what they have seen successful.
In the bbing world the 2 most popular are the blast which is taking 5000iu in the 2wks between Last pin and pct but I have tried this and I believe that the 2x a wk 250iu for 10wks leading up until you start pct is the better way @TBU version would also work great possibly better its based I believe on the same regimen as the 500iu a week just adding more into the wk at 750iu I just wouldn’t run it longer than 10wks straight but I know that my doctor actually will push 2500iu or 5000iu at once into his trt patients that’s just how he does it so I believe that there are many different ways to go about it but I would stick with a dose that’s small and spread it out but not 12 pins a day lol even though that might actually work even better because its small dosing.
I just don’t believe in taking what I consider to be heavy amounts I don’t believe that it works well like that in the 2500iu or higher.