Heart health advice from my doctor

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I have been on gear 10 years on and off. my caloric intake of high cholesterol foods is obliviously higher when bulking and I have always been mindful of my heart health.

my doctor told me as I get older its a good idea to take a quarter tablet of cialis and coenzyme q10 every day. I take so many supplements every morning i figured I would throw it in there, why not?

apparently this helps prevent heart attacks by keeping your arteries slightly bigger from cialis effects, like when they tell you to chew aspirin to thin your blood if you are having symptoms of a heart attack.

coenzyme q10 does a very good job protecting your cardio health. has anyone heard this from their doctor as well?
CoQ10. Flaxseed oil. Plus I take 81mg baby aspirin everyday. I can’t do Cialis everyday because I get massive lower back pains from it… I’m one of those 5% will get this side effect. I also eat oatmeal every day. But yeah. My doctor recommended CoQ10 as well.
@NeuroRN has done a lot of research on cialis. It is like a miracle pill. It also prevents the cholesterol in your blood from becoming plaque buildup up on your arterial walls. I had real high cholesterol after my last cycle and my doc said same thing as yours basically. And verified what nuero told me about cialis. And eating a lot of foods high in HDL like salmon tuna and avacado
I believe that cialis being added in to a regimen is looking really good in the past few years alot of people have given feedback running cialis with gear and they seem to work very well hand in hand. Now doctors seem to be widely using cialis for many different reasons it was originally supposed to be a bp medicine. Just like viagra and I believe others.
We have multiple docs that use the 2.5-3mg dose post stroke and post heart attack and it has kept reoccurrence rate down tremendously. So even from a simple health standpoint it’s doing really good things.
That is a miracle compound
A compound that can bring back your sex life and actually keep you alive.

In all honesty though it is a great compound and its great to hear all the uses it has especially help with cardiovascular system.
My doc prescribed 5mg ED, but says I can do 10mg ED if I want. I bump that to 40mg before sex. Definitely keeps my systolic BP down. I did 2ML of TNE pwo today, and I was 127/62 right before the workout with 10mg of Cialis.
Have you been on cialis long…long enough to have labs? If so did you have any positive changes like lowering cholesterol ldl or triglycerides etc? @herrubermensch
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Been on for a year, but principally for BPH (don’t like getting up to piss five thousand times in the middle of the night) and BP, not for lipids. My lipids have always been good.
Great thread! I use Cq-10 (400mg) as well, along with Niacin, Cialis, DHEA, Tumeric, Saw Palmetto - it’s helped a great deal with my prostate being enlarge. I am 56 and with the addition of test, it was a bit bigger than normal. Have been using Saw Palmetto for about a year. Doc said whatever I am doing has reduce its size a great deal. Prostate Cancer is serious!

I have also added Acetyl L-carnitine 400mg and Alpha lipoic acid 200mg… I don’t know if this happens to any of you (I am betting it does): I am writing something or conversing with someone and can’t remember the name of something that I should. I get frustrated that a word I have used all my life at that specific moment eludes my mind. Acetyl Lcarnitine and alpha lipoic acid have helped a bit. Part of getting old. last thing I add to my daily intake is Liposomal Glutahione which helps with immune system. The studies have shown great success.
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