Hello brother in IRON(sisters too?)


Staff member
I’ve been here and there. Wish we had internet and ways to get info back when I started. It was trial and error but much more comraderie at different levels. I’ve been lucky to have competed and won at different levels. Started too early with the RX, in looking back. I believe everyone has there own journey, so I’ll never bash. I know a bit about injuries and doing things a little backwards but I learned. I’m old school when it comes to bodybuilding. To me, it’s an art. To build the illusion. I also believe you win your local show, then state or regional, then juniors, the the USA or nats, north Americans. Loved the AAU, when the America was around. Love this hobby!
Welcome! I feel ya on the starting too early and lack of internet when I started. I remember looking in the magazines and reading up on the different compounds. Well that and looking for pics of Cori Nadine, Monica Brant and a few others lol. Going to a pharmacy in Mexico and just seeing a list of items and trying to figure out what would be the best things to take. Glad to have you over!
Damn brother im right there with you I started really early using compounds that my football coach pointed me and some other players to.
Bashing is a big no no here were uncensored so everything is up for discussion and no question is a bad question.
Welcome glad to have you around
Ahem, used to be able to cross over to Mexico in a couple hours. So , we ( don’t try at home) used to spend the day… Which consisted of doing a bottle of brovel, and as much laurabolin as possible. Then take as many stenox tabs back or if we could get lab milanos dbol. Set us back about 30 bucks but we all had " test flu " and felt horrible for 3 days, hardly could train, couldn’t eat…but we gained muscle. Lots of funny stuff. It went in spurts. But we always trained so hard and gear was whatever you could get, looked at it as all the same , just a tool that helped but didn’t rely on it.
Lol I used to the same. Go every saturday with some other guys and load up as much on those injects to last the week. Still have nightmares of those needles with the sustenon… Left the laurabolin and eq at a vets place there since couldnt use the 30ml worth even splitting 3 ways. Paid him a bit extra. Had a few drinks and walked back over. Only a couple times we got asked if we were bringing steroids over but as they got to see us weekly they knew what we were doing.
Maybe I went with you, I haven’t seen them in years…😎 Just kidding. Same kinda thing. Started out powerlifting and bodybuilding w some legends, I was a kid16. Polish/ Russian neighborhood…so you know the rest of story. Omadren, those cytohoh, blends, the gh that was supposed to be cadaver then protropin, then well I could go on, because it was so funny, but again we trained so hard and just pieced the other stuff together. I always emphasize training, diet, genetics the stuff. I’ve seen so many guys just get side effects and they look for side effects to tell if their things are good. Good reminiscing. But thanks to SRC, now it’s like Amazon.
Welcome @rnmuscle I worked in Mexico and would get those ready jets. I laughed at my buddies using the needle that came with it lol I’m like by a smaller gauge pen and use that lol. That’s about all I’d get and viagra lol

@TG I showed you that pic of me Monica and Jenny lynn didn’t I?
Seems like it will be a very interesting daily check-in sort of board. Is it an off shoot of another board? New? Seems familiar and SRCs are good …PPL is here already.
We’ve been around for awhile now we had a different operating system before then it was upgraded to this.
Ppl came around quick to all the boards he is a src that has grown quickly.
There will definitely be new forums every day we have alot of what I call cross traffic almost all members here are also at multiple other boards across the web so its a great mix of minds