High dose Testosterone


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So I’m posting this I guess just to see what you guys have tried or would try or maybe would advise against due to sides or deminishing returns etc but what levels do you like to run your test at and have you tried like really high doses per week? If so what did you think? Or what do you find your optimal test dose to be
I guess I should have posted with the original that the reason for my curiosity is I have generally kept my test ranging from 300-600mgs per week and haven’t really experimented with much higher but I hear of guys running extremely high doses and I’m just wondering what you guys like best
I think and some can correct me if I’m wrong, but Bill Robert’s as well as Dorian Yates pioneered the 1000mg dosage to be the most optimal in terms of growth and there isn’t much that can be achieved beyond that. Now the question is “what’s optimal?” To me I have a hard time agreeing with this. Optimal to me would be a test dose that allows you to run the highest dosage with the least amount of sides to contend with. This is where dosing gets tricky because we all aromatise and metabolize testosterone differently. Saying to someone what their optimal dose should be seems asinine because only they will know what their body is going to do at said dose.

Formalities out of the way, I have run up to 1000mg Test a week with relatively minimal sides. At that rate I need 25mg a day of Aromasin to combat estrogen increases and I do get a little bit of back acne that will come along at some point and my skin and face will feel oily all the time. I also tend to hold more water and sort of get that moon face. If I drop to 800mg, 20mg a day of Aromasin is enough to combat estrogen and aside some from oily skin I get no other sides except for maybe some water retention that I can usually deal with. I personally don’t notice much if any difference in terms of muscular growth between the 2 doses. So I choose to run at 800 vs 1000 for the reasons listed above. On the other hand I’ve run 180mg with high dose Deca and gotten awesome return with minimal sides as well.

See where there’s no real “optimal” dosage?
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Well said man yeah that’s why I wanted to post and see people’s replies because we’re all different, and like you said optimal could be defined differently by each one of us but I do agree w you that I feel optimal is when I get the most benefits with the least amount of sides.
I like running high test by itself,(800-900) never ran 1000. Adex 2x a week will fix any issues I will encounter, I also will only use 20-25 msg of proviron at that dose, as oppose to 50-6o I will use on other cycles, I fucking swear the nights sweats are worse on that combo then any amount of tren I ever used, I will add on that I feel night sweats happen no matter what I run. And on a final note, @Ironside summed it up quite well.
I’ve used upwards of 1000 mg a week during meet prep before. Usually had a lot of other stuff mixed in whether it be deca, drol, dbol or Tren depending on my stage of life. I never felt super healthy when I ran that high, and I’m not sure how much benefit I got from it. There were always other substances aiding any strength gains I was making. I keep it at or below 500 a week now. Just to keep a little edge
I’ve just heard a lot of interviews and podcasts that referenced Yates and Roberts both saying 1g of test was “the key” or “optimal” as for other compounds I don’t know what their views were on them
Ok, so 1 gram of test plus whatever else you want to run. I wasn’t sure if you meant 1 gram of total Aas combined.

I’ve ran test alone at 900mg and 1500mg. Didn’t notice any difference after the 900-1000mg mark.
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Same here. I don’t notice much if anything at all from 800 to 1000 so I stay around the 800 range because I just feel better at that level. I still should add that it’s rare I go that high. I’m usually around 200 for the most part and let other compounds do the work. But sometimes I run lighter doses of other compounds and run heavy Test. It really just depends on my goals at the time
I always find people’s dose preferences super interesting because like you said I’ve heard tons of guys say that 800-1.2 is like the optimal “high end” dose and after that it’s diminishing returns but then at the same time I’ve alsp heard guys who choose to run their test between 200-400 mgs and run other AAS at higher doses
I think a lot of new school guys run it 200-400mg and run a lot of other gear. The idea is the technically almost all the other Aas was created to replace test and be better than test.
Usually do 750 & last cyc did 1.600 but gotta do Letro 1/4 every 2 days to keep my estro around 21 or so… Anyways, felt like a godess & libiddo was sky high, like god damm, acne almost all gone & all water gain was gone as long as to keep the estro no more than 25 now with muscle growth barely a difference between 750 & 1,600 but strength seemed to have increased more with the 1,600 there was a huge difference in fat lose tho, doing a bulk with the 1,600 & barely gained fat even with crappy diet, I believe the significant increase in metabolism is what limited the extra muscle growth with the higher dose, bc anything I ate evaporated lmao I was eating like 10 rice krispies scattered over the day to keep calorie intake more than what’s being burned. Was also doin 600mg np & dbol 50ed last 6 weeks. So the higher dose is definitely much more useful during a cut
That’s really interesting that you say you felt like what you were eating was being used up immediately because I’ve also heard that from guys who “mega dose” steroids that they feel like they need to eat tons of calories/carbs to not be flat and to keep on weight
My personal optimal for testosterone is 350mg a week I feel like, I’ve went as high as 1 gram and I wouldn’t do it again. I tend to aromatize on the high end and had trouble controlling e2, the end result was tanking my lipid profile even worse with all the letro.

So I have to agree with the consensus that everyone’s optimal is different, but a low dose of test with proviron is my favorite go to cycle and doesn’t cause me many issues on my labs.
I am including proviron in my next cycle because I haven’t tried it yet but everything I’ve seen on UG about it has made me really want to try it out

Well here’s my 2 cents and experience with it.

I run it in just about any cycle, especially if deca is in there, but my favorite is with a low dose of T.

It’s my experience that I can run 350mg of test a week along with 25mg of proviron ED and see pretty similar results to running 500mg of test without proviron. The increase in free T seems to make a huge difference for me, but my SHBG tends to be slightly high anyway. Obviously this may not be everyone’s experience, but I believe it’s a great tool to enhance testosterone only cycles without having to increase dosages.

I also love the feeling DHT provides with libido and overall feeling of well being, proviron just makes me feel decent overall. If you’re already lean it will help you look a little harder and you may even be able to decrease your AI some well using it (low dose cycles).
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Awesome info man thanks brother I really appreciate it

I’m deff going to add it into my next cycle
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Yes I learned about proviron on here,and now it’s in every cycle, sometimes 25mg if just running high test or 50mg when running a few things together.