Hip Replacement Warriors


Staff member
@herrubermensch and @JB_rD81 or anyone else.

I’ve just spent half the night in my recliner again. My left hip/leg is fubar. I’ve been dealing with this for a couple of months now.

A couple of years ago (yall gave me a great tutorial) I was diagnosed with certainty of a future hip replacement. I have a great great ortho and his PA is top tier. At the time I was told arthritis and to let pain mobility be the driving factor. It was minimal and I had very little pain… usual old guy stuff. My strength and function was good.

Last year everything was rolling along nicely. Absolutely zero issues. Daily life and gym was ok… almost great. I had some diabetic related “nerve issues” down there but nothing catastrophic… they would come and go… not debilitating.

Out of the blue, no falls/strains/dumb stunts, my left hip started aching and radiating down my leg. Sciatica…right? My chiropractor kinda fixed it but it didn’t take. I’m changing chiropractors and have an appointment next Friday.

I chalked it up to being slack on my mobility and not stretching like I should. This last month, I’ve made a concerted effort to stretch and stay ambulatory. No joy.

It’s progressively getting worse. I usually walk 10 minutes at a time for several bouts at work throughout a day. Yesterday, I couldn’t walk 5 minutes without almost dragging my left leg… combination of pain/weakness… couldn’t make it do what I wanted. Very discouraging.

I’ve been studying up on this stuff (internet). My wife had/has “sciatica” and is getting steroid shots in her back. She says it’s helping a lot. I guess I’ll contemplate shots prior to surgery if its an option.

To sum it up… my left hip aches (deep) 24/7… i can’t walk for more than 5 minutes or so without my left leg not cooperating…I’m taking 800 motrin at night to get any sleep… that’s big for me. I was taking maybe 2 a month ad hoc.

If the chiropractor can’t at least mitigate this down to a decent quality of life… I’m going to ortho.

Any advice or similar experiences welcome.
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Look into dry needling. Some states require a prescription for it with physical therapy. Some don’t.

I was so uncomfortable mid Covid I was really thinking I wouldn’t be able to stay bedside much longer. A year of PT doing dry needling on my hips and my back pain and knee pain has been largely improved.

The best one I had was a pt who was very wholistic in her approach, said if I got a script for back pain she could link a reason to dry needle my whole body.

It’s brutal shit. The during, and after of that day is miserable. The next day you immediately feel the improvement. I strongly believe you would see some benefit from this, even if the hip is done for and needs replacing the deep tissue release would be something you’d absolutely see improved quality of life from.

You’re um… not a spring chick anymore dad. Years of your different lines of work plus lifting- you’ve got some shit to unlock with dry needling.
I’m trying my very best to hold off to 70yo soooo I’m up for anything…except narco pain meds. I’m going to talk to my new chiropractor about that also…googling “dry needling near me” now.
Neuro said:
You’re um… not a spring chick anymore dad.
Son…. My mortality is screaming in my face the loudest it’s been in my whole life… didn’t start till 52yo.

I’m not giving up… I’m getting meaner and fighting more.
Well let’s figure out is is hip or sciatica?
Does the pain radiate into glute and ham or more lateral leg?
If it is sciatica dry needling and soft tissue work will help immensely.
If it truly the arthritis in your hip shots won’t do shit. Dry needling and softe tissue work can still help.
So let’s get to the bottom of what exactly is causing the pain tjen go from there. If it is arthritis and you are bone on bone at this point the replacement surgery maybe your only option. Good news is it’s not a terrible surgery and you will be 100% and largely pain free very quickly. But let’s not worry about that just yet.
1- pinpoint cause of pain
2- come up with course or treatment
3- get some lane done and let’s see what the inflammatory markers look like
4- switch diet up to incorporate low inflammatory foods and cut out the crap that increase inflammation. Ie, wheat, and any excess carbs in general
I would recommend basically a paleo style diet. That’ll help knockout some inflammation
Sciatica is definitely a possibility tjen. Could be a more treatable option. Good news
Thanks big guy. I’m seeing a new chiropractor next week. She’s younger and way more up to date.
Most Bb will tell you they feel better on prep because of the lower carb intake.
When I ate traditional paleo I was very lean, fast, strong and ate about 50 carbs per day, lots of healthy fats
Curious. Does it feel better when doing leg presses? Drop the weight all the way down with your knees out. Medium weight. A few reps.
Like Kad mentioned it sounds like sciatica to me as well. I went to several PTs, ortho for pain shots and had acupuncture done even for my back issues. It helped temporarily only for me.

Just what I noticed is leg presses - not heavy - help almost instantly. I’ll feel like my back and hips realign when I drop the weight down and the reason my warmup now every day is light leg press. First thing I do in the gym.
Since I’ve done leg presses as a warm up my back issues haven’t come back. No need for pain shots anymore. My gym is walking distance so I can jump in and out in a few minutes even if not working out that day. It just seems to work for me.
I don’t have access to a leg press.

Belt squats light don’t hurt but doesn’t make it feel better.
Yeah that would be a completely different movement. The leg press when doing a complete range of motion is going to move your lower back a bit. That’s why people doing it wrong or too heavy tend to fuck up their lower back. For me just the right amount and feels better. Almost every time I’ll feel the lower back pop a bit and then it feels great.