How do you treat gyno issues during cycle


Well-known member
I started my cycle a month ago.

So I’m using armidex 2x a week at .5 mg. And nolvadex twice a week, starting last week and it subsides and returns.I have a little tenderness/lump bottom left of my nipple on the left. It’s been on and off monthly for the past 8 years. I’ve done a lot of research and sounds like aromasin is my best bet, however I don’t want to put a bunch of shit in my body with out the knowledge of how to do it properly, and I don’t want crash my estro levels.

I’m taking 200 mg cyp Mon & 200 mg on Friday and started Npp 50mg EOD last mon.

What’s your experience?

Thanks guys
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I would double check me by searching the forum, but I believe bigmurph has written something on this. He ran 10mg of nolva a day I believe. Other place someone mentioned running 10 of nolva twice a day. But this should theoretically require less of an AI so you don’t tanks your estro.

Have you been running test for 8 months? Or off gear you have gyno issues?
I’m a month in my cycle.

Ive had this issue off and on for years but I’ve only ran one cycle about 8 years ago.
Right Now it’s manageable so I want to nip it at the bud now andi just want to fully understand what’s a proper protocol for when this issue arises.

Yeah I’ve been reading a few different things some people say do this don’t do that it’s very contradictory. So I thought it would be best to get your guy’s input cause I trust you guys a little more then some random people off the internet. Lol

I’ve read around on our forum but the stuff I found was vague.
I would like the know the dose and for how long when when something like This happens on a cycle. I appreciate your response Nuero.
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I think that came across like I was being a dick. I wasn’t. I just thought I remembered Murph saying something. There used to be a wonder drug that actually reversed gyno called Raloxifene… sadly no one makes it anymore and I’ve been told by several sponsors i should give up looking.
I’ve seen that mentioned when I was using sarms on reddit seems there are a few rc companies that have it but I’m not sure they are to be trusted
Lol no your good brother your actually one of our more kinder members. I appreciate you responding. Aromasin is said to work well something like a suicide compound that binds and destroys estrogen.
Thanks bro
Plus I have nolvadex and armidex on hand and I assume it’s sufficient just looking for suggestions on how one would dose it properly in this situation.
Appreciate that brother! I prefer aromasin over Adex. I’d trying running nolva 10mg a day, but hopefully murph will chime in and confirm that dosage.
Have you ever done blood work during these 8 years? How were your e2/prolactin/progesterone levels?
How much longer will you cycle last?
Did your problem get worse after starting your cycle?
Even tho NPP dosage is not high you should have a prolactin antagonist on hand like Caber/Prami but I’d check prolactin levels before running it.
The reason why everyone is so vague is because
We have no information except that your experiencing gyno if its been there for 8yrs no compound will get rid of it you need surgery.
I would goto a doctor and have it examined its past the point I believe then what raloxifene or nolvadex or any AI.
Gyno doesn’t come and go you either have it or you don’t I would go with a doctor’s opinion and then take steps from there which would be gyno surgery.
If you’re running a cycle now with gyno I hope that you are running bloodwork and stay in range because elevated estrogen with high progesterone will cause gyno quickly if you already have a lump it can get larger quickly
Bro, The best would be to go with a Dr just like @Bigmurph is suggesting, I believe surgery will depend on how advance you gyno is right now… I mean one thing is Having a small lump a side of your nipple or being sensitive there , and another thing is already having bitch tits… whatever the outcome is, by seen an specialist it will bring you peace of mind and it will allow you to fix the issue once and for all…
I love bro science but sometimes we do need professional help lol…
Never done blood work
I’m 4 weeks in to my 12 wk cycle

Hey thanks well thats what I needed to hear, but didn’t want to hear. I hate going to the doctors and I haven’t really spoke with anyone about it accept my wife. So I will take it seriously. Blood work will be done and I’m going to share my findings from doctor ls so maybe it can help someone in the future.
Here’s a case report I found online, I’m just sharing for informational purposes.

Case reports​

Case 1​

A 61-y-old man presented with a history of erectile dysfunction and reduction in libido, and difficulty achieving orgasm. Past medical history was notable for left gynecomastia in adolescence, which was treated surgically without further recurrence. The current physical examination was unremarkable. Blood tests showed FT of 0.8 ng/dl, TT of 295 ng/dl, luteinizing hormone (LH) of 3.4 mUI/l (normal: 2–18 mUI/l), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) of 3.4 mUI/l (normal: 2–18 mUI/l) and PSA of 1.5 ng/l (normal: 0–4 ng/l). Reduced peak rigidity was observed by NPTR. Intramuscular injections of testosterone enanthate 400 mg/3 weeks were started. The nadir total testosterone level was 287 ng/dl. The patient experienced significant symptomatic improvement with testosterone supplementation.

At 6 months after beginning treatment, the patient noted gynecomastia on the right side, which had not received earlier surgical treatment as an adolescent. TRT was discontinued and 1 month later the patient reported complete resolution of the gynecomastia. Testosterone supplementation was resumed at the same schedule as before, and anastrozole (Arimidex®, AstraZeneca, London, UK) 1 mg/day orally was started as well. After 3 y, the patient continues to have clinical benefits from TRT without recurrence of gynecomastia.