Your a member now so you can post pictures when you hit reply or create a new topic buttom right corner the arrow sticking up is to upload the little tv next to it lets you preview your post.
Im here to help brother and I definitely appreciate asking first were different here its nof like other forums we have rules and follow them closely but were all about harm reduction and helping anyone who needs it you really won’t ever see an argument here just great conversation.
Im glad to have you around seem like a great member I look forward to having you in the forums. You ever need anything just tag me in with @Bigmurph you can tag any member like that
I can imagine I believe that you came from the same one that banned me and a couple of guys got together and we built this those cliques running around like there better than everyone and protecting sponsors will never happen here members come first and were all equal. Its really worked well. I hope that you stick around with us.
I believe I remember seeing you around at?
Same place but I left along time ago I have seen rustyhooker and a couple of others come around every once in awhile great group of guys. Well some of them there are some I really can’t stand probably the same ones you can’t lol
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