I am On my 4 th week of a 12 week test only cycle

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I am On my 4 th week of a 12 week test only cycle.
test cyp is my ester that im using. I break my dose in 2 every week. Im only going to 400 a week and that will be my max on my first cycle. The way im taking it is in small increases.
And work my way up to 400 mg a week by week 8.
my question is should I go straight to 400 and stay there till the end? I have found that I needed a ai so im on arimidex .5 mgs every other day. Just want to get the most for my money and my work.
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I would go to 200mg 2x a week and run it out using adex and then get a good pct nolvadex and clomiphene because adex will give you an estrogen rebound so nolvadex is important in your pct
Welcome man, great forum and community to be a part of. diet will obviously give you the most for your money and work, I’m on week 3 of my first cycle of test Cyp as well. Like everyone else said make sure to have your PCT ready. I’ve been Been shooting 200mgs on Monday and Thursday’s From the get go. Just Curious what sides made you start the AI so early? I do have AI on hand just in case as well.
My .02 for what it is worth.
I would just do the 400 straight a week not tapering up to it. 200 Monday then 200 Thursday.
The AI I can’t say with out bloodwork to show. But every other day seems like a lot.

.5 the day after pinning. Twice a week.
You may need that much but I would be getting bloodwork done to see what’s going on that’s the only way to know.
Yep I can see titrating down but up you want to get to max level as soon as possible
You’ll get some good advice here. I ran Test E at 400/wk for 6 weeks, then pulled it up to 500/wk for another 10 weeks on my first cycle. Nobody will recommend stretching it out that long, but with my AI every 3 days, I did well. I explode with estrogen, so AI is a must for me and have to take one even on HRT doses.
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