SB Labs

Ice baths good or bad

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I’ve been training very hard lately to the point where I’m so sore I can barely walk some days or barely put a shirt on. I’ve heard some say ice baths are a lifesaver and other say it slows protein synthesis and recovery because our body needs the inflammation to recover. What’s your experience with ice baths if you’ve used them how did it go for you?
tried that a long time ago myself. I forget all the science behind it now but I do remember it helped and its backed up medically. Those cryogenic chambers are brutal. Last 1 i got in was -140
it is 🤣 but 4min. Is all it freezes all your hair and you gotta wear a mask pre covid bc. Of lips. But when I get out I feel stoned almost
Either temp extreme is actually beneficial genetically, and will activate your sirtuins which protect your DNA. The guy who came up with RICE train of thought has since said ice was the wrong thing.

Ice helps recovery in same day activity, but heat is what has been shown to reduce over all recovery of individual muscle groups.

Now this is the last research I read and could be out of date, but I usually go heat.

Makes me hate all those college ice baths even more.
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