SB Labs

If you have been blocked logging in its your VPN company and ddos attackers abusing there systems

I’m not sure sounded like you did because I asked a question maybe I’m confused I’m not really sure how to ask questions on this site or check sources my appolgize I really like this site excellent people here ironman56
I’m not being dramatic I’m not a girl I thought I got a reply saying I was banned because I asked a question about a source if I’m wrong I apologize it’s not dramatic it’s because I actually care ok. Ironman56
No apology needed brother were all here to help each other I wouldn’t ban someone unless they really went to far you get banned for attacking other members or using racism.

Not simple rule mistakes were extremely different than other forums.

Our rules are really different because the way we’re set up wide open to everyone we have to have solid rules in place to protect the community including you brother.

No one banned you I believe that an edit was made and a post was flagged that’s normal stuff here no big deal or issue at all.

Brother I didn’t mean you were a girl I meant that don’t say we banned you when we didn’t it makes us sound like we just ban everyone and were the complete opposite of that no malicious intent was meant using the word dramatic I even apologize if you took it that way im not one to do that to anyone.
You can read around all I do is try to help people with anything from life to our lifestyle.

Just read the rules again and check out #22 its the 2nd most important rule besides treating each other with respect.
We don’t discuss anything on zhipping/handeling/0rdering/etc of anything except otc stuff.

My suggestion is to just surf around and gather info from the chatter and make the best decision for yourself. It won’t take long to glean the information that you are seeking.

The sponsors here have been thoroughly vetted. Now there is things that happen that’s out of ugm’s control.
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