IGF-1 discussion/thoughts


Well-known member
What’s up guys so I recently started taking IGF1 3 units a day what’s everyone’s thoughts on it? Who takes? And the muscle fibers gained are they permanent? I’m reading a lot of sources saying it’s dangerous and others saying it’s not, before I run it long term I want to get the more experienced guys thoughts
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3iu is a good starting point imo, the only downside to igf LR3 supps is alot are counterfeit, me personally I’d stick with gh over igf. But if you got your hands on Increlix please email me 🤯😱
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Personal preference, I’ve tried both and I feel better and look fuller on GH, I use gh as a rejuvenation supp not so much to grow, but if I was looking for growth I’d be more Inclined to use igf LR3
@Jsween94 let me answer these in a normal order for you.

1.) Alot of athletes take it and including some i have seen over the years.

2.) Muscle fibers are only made stronger and bigger not made more of. Hgh is the only product that allows for new muscle tissue/cells to grow.

3.) Just with any drug there can be side effects. I suggest treating it as insulins little brother. 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. You should also be pairing with hgh.

All the best. I do have some clinical studies i can post if you would like to see the medical side of it.
I’ve used IGF-1 a few times. I got some results…but I’ve spoken to people who used it years ago saying “the shit they sell today is NOT real IGF-1” I don’t know if that means they’re selling some less effective isomer due to an improper synthesis or if it’s literally just another chemical active at the same dosages…but apparently REAL IGF-1 is a god tier anabolic.