IGF-1 LR3 Best way to Run?


Well-known member
I have never ran this compound and would love some advice especially from our vets! @Iron_Junkie_Labs has added this to his list and im def gonna grab some to combine with my Supertropin GH kits. Thanks my brothers
Typically you would run it pre workout into the muscle you are training that day. If it comes with the acidic water be prepared for a sting after. I’m not sure how many units you would do but split them evenly. It’s been years since I’ve ran IGF due to health reason I stay far away from ir
@MBTJR1980 If ran in cycles of no more than 4 weeks woth 8 to 12 weeks off at a moderate dosage of 50mcg a day there shouldnt be much negative if any! And the positive will outweigh the negatives IMO. But here is the catch!! If your family genealogy is prone to cancer/tumors then its best to stay away! Because igf-1 is a growth stimulating hormone and grows muscle, bone, tissue and doesn’t discriminate between cancerous cells (meaning it will grow them to)
…the big boys in Bodybuilding today didnt get there without some risks.
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I am in the same boat. I am even nervous about my GH use. That is why I backed off of it over 4iu’s/day. My ND is very confident that under 4iu’s a day only offers a very small risk of increasing cancer cell or tumor growth. And at a therapeutic dose the risk increase is negligible (his words). Still freaks me out though and really has me thinking about my longevity more than short term results.
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No bud not me thank God but i have all the respect in the world for the people who have had it and beat it! I lost my best friend a year ago to leukemia after battling it for 5 years. He showed me what it means to be fight! I will forever live in his honor :muscle:t2: