Injectables - Adrol, Sdrol, or dbol

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I will soon have more knowledge on sdrol inject as that’s going to be part of order I have coming up cause daddy lives pwo injects. Hell I mihh hgh t just like sticking my self with a needle
I’m doing 50 in morning 50 pwo for my final week although I feel my dbol from optum hasn’t been as strong as what I got from para I just got to remember 3 hours pwo not 2 for me
To let it hit at beg g of workout
It would be a sign that your liver is not being taxed by the oral yes. Or it’s being adequately supported by other supplements.

That’s great news! How long had you been on the inj before bloods were drawn? The elevated liver enzymes will show up over the course of use as the liver has to work to breakdown the compound. It wouldn’t necessarily Be same day.
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