Injection site when injecting Test Prop

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I’m on a cycle that includes Test Cyp, Deca & Test Prop. I only inject in my glutes and the Test Cyp & Deca give me no problems. But every time I inject Test Prop, I get a lump in my gluteus for about 48 hours. Doesn’t matter what part of my glutes I inject and it doesn’t matter how fast or slow I inject. Does anyone know why this happens and how to avoid it. I would really appreciate it.
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Have you ever used test prop? Have you ever used this brand? Have you ever used this particular carrier oil? And some people just don’t hand short Ester compounds very well.

Are you heating your oil? That may help.
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Exactly what @NeuroRN has said.
Some people’s body just don’t agree with certain esters.
I for one get PIP from test Enanthate. So I either deal with it or use Cypionate.
Heating the oil helps for me. And what gauge pin you using ?
Prop I have heard gives PIP but everyone is different.
Thanks for the feedback. This is the first time I have used Test P. I use an 18 g needle to draw from the bottle, then a 23g 1” needle to inject. I’ll tell you what I said to one of the other responders; I didn’t even know hearing it was an option and I have no idea what the process is. Any suggestions .
Really appreciate the input. No, I don’t heat it, honestly I didn’t even know that was a thing? What is the process for great? And I use a 23g 1” needle
I draw mine up, then fold a heating pad around the syringe. Once it’s good and warm I switch to my inject needle and let her rip.
I use my coffee maker , run it with just water no coffee. And let the vial sit in the water for about three minutes. Then draw and pin.
I use a 20g to draw and pin with a 25g x1”
Either glute or quads. Heating pad works great too I hear. 23gx1” is great choice too. I have those just prefer the 25gx1”.

More than likely you are just sensitive to prop.
Drop it and just use the Cypionate would be my $.02.
I appreciate that. Of course the only problem with 23g is it takes forever to get the gear through, especially when you shoot Deca, it’s very thick.
I am actually already using Test Cyp. No problems with that 🤷‍♂️
I love test prop. I just mix it with other gear to reduce the amount of PIP. Some esters tend to cause PIP like test prop, tren ace, test suspension. You can always cut your prop with mct oil to lessen the bite.
Yes cut it will help. And I heat mine so I use a finer needle , 25 gauge and have no issues.
But it’s all a learning experience to find out what your body likes and doesn’t like. And how it reacts to what you put in it.
Everyone is different.
Just wanted thank all of you for your input. First day I got a response about warming up the gear, I did exactly that. Ran the syringe under very hot wanted before I switched to the 23g, for injection and then massaged the area for about 2 minutes after the injection. Made ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!! Thanks again
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