INSIGHTS? into my cycle of PROP TREN AND GH


Well-known member
Hi guys currently running tren acetate (75 eod) , Test Prop (100 eod), GH 4 IU daily, Letrazole 2 x per week quarter tab of 2.5 mg, does this look and sound ok? i’ve been pinning every other day but recently read on steroidal that I can do it on mon Wednesday and Friday 100 of each what do you guys think
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I have done M/W/F split it’s really up to how many times you wanna Stab yourself EOD is good but harder to keep track if you don’t pay attention have you had your estrogen checked the reason I ask is cause letrozole is very effective not saying you can’t use it I keep it in my safe for emergencies but it may very well crash your estrogen what is reason for using it as opposed to aromasin or arimidex
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I personally stick with EOD just because I don’t want any flux in hormones. You would have to try it yourself to see how you respond.