Introducing myself to the community, relieved to find a reliable and safe forum

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Hello all, new to the community and I am very happy to have found you. I have done two cycles so far. I am 28 yoa, 73" height, 185lbs. My most recent cycle I ran 350mg Deca and 300mg test E per week for 22 weeks. I got into the deca in order to recover from a knee surgery. I tore my meniscus and damaged my patella in OCS for a US military branch. I was medically separated from the military and became depressed having failed my dream and my ability to PT/exercise. Everything had gotten pretty dark for awhile there and I cannot express the difference that the Deca/test made in my pulling out of it all. Changed my mental outlook, healed my body and allowed me to return to daily exercise. At this time I am looking for trustworthy information and to undergo another round of Deca durabolan therapy for a folllow-up surgery I must undergo.
Welcome. Thanks for the intro. Sorry to hear about your troubles.

First thing: it’s very important to understand deca is not healing anything inside your body. Simply assisting with the pain. Pain is a warning sign to your body. I believe you are making an error by masking post surgical pain with deca.
Welcome to ugm.

Too bad about your injuries.

Agree with @NeuroRN . He’s usually right about all this.

My personal opinion…after many injuries and some surgeries:

Pain will not kill you, it just hurts. Masking it with it anything stronger than a tylenol 3 for a short period is asking for trouble (remember this is my opinion). I prefer motrin 800’s and tylenol extra strength and that’s it. T3’s if I’m having trouble sleeping.

I understand your depression…getting injured just sucks! Just don’t treat the symptoms brother…you’re still young and have a whole great life in front of you…drill down to the cause and start there.
Oh damn I was really sold on it after I read a research paper that said deca increased the production of synovial fluid in the joints. My injury resulted in a damaged band of synovial tissue that had become fibrous. After the second month of cycle I went from limping and barely walking to 90% back to normal. Although I was concurrently undergoing surgery and physical therapy so it is likely that those medical interventions were fixing the underlying issues and the cycle was just making me feel better. Is there any additional healing factor or repair of tissue provided by AAS?

Thanks for the reply and your time.
Thank you I am glad to have found the forum, seems all above board. I see you are a USMC vet, appreciate what you did. I was down at Quantico a few years ago when all this happened. Still like a gut punch every time I remember after my injury. Waiting to get on that fucking bus while the rest of the class kept on training. The injury is one thing but knowing I will never have earned the title kills me to this day.

Anyway life goes on and I definitely will take any advice you all have. I have another surgery upcoming and I couldn’t believe how quickly I seemed to heal on Deca/test post-op compared to being off cycle for my first surgery.
Welcome and a pot of here no about the dark place you speak of. It’s great place to be
Ahhh yes…”quan-tee-co” the all inclusive resort. Hahaha.

I understand your disappointment. Look at it this way…at least it wasn’t due to a poor decision made by yourself. Anyone at anytime can get injured. That’s what happens when you’re active and not living in your moms basement.

I’m assuming you’re educated (degree’d)…OCS and all.

I had a double meniscus repair last year and healed up very good…took about 6 months to get back to a 8 plate squat.
Synovial fluid keeps synovial tissue lubricated. I’m not an ortho specialist but I believe all you did is just keep the joint well lubed which helped the hardened synovial tissue.

I would recommend looking into BPC157 and TB500 for some actual healing assistance. I know several folks have had quite the decrease in healing time post surgery with that.

Some folks with throw out HGH I’m positive. That will also take months to aid in repair and is quite costly.

If you choose to run your deca cycle, do so with caution. You are simply masking pain. No increasing healing. I know I already said it, but it bears repeating.
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Lol yea a real swamp paradise, honestly I was loving the madness but was only there for 3 weeks before my knee exploded.

You said it, that’s what I keep going back to, better to have tried and failed than to never made the attempt.

Were you on cycle for your surgery and recovery?

No VA or any kind of benefits. I was at OCC which means you are not enlisted or commissioned but in this inbetween place until you graduate through the screening process and accept your commission. So they just med sep/ admin sep you out of there and its like it never even happened.
I remember after
My deca run thinking I didn’t get any joint relief from it. Then a few weeks off I notice my shot felt wrecked.
I was (still currently) on trt. 125mg cyp e3d.

I’m an advanced age lifter and any great big cycles are pretty much off the table. I’m pretty much on the least exotic most boring crap on this site.
There’s dudes on here that know this stuff backwards and forwards…. @NeuroRN is one of them.

I’ve heeded his advice on many occasions.
I’m picking up for you. I told person I’m doig mtrn with last four weeks of eq cause giving up the drugs I still need work ky liver out with something can’t wIt to pull booods after
I, poppy, hereby officially relinquish all my crazy aas cycles to, one, Mr @Dirtnasty starting immediately and most likely forever.

I, poppy, also reserve the right to call out @Dirtnasty if, in my opinion, he’s getting ready to do something boneheaded.
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