Introducing myself to the forum

Welcome. What’s old? I’ve done post cycle therapy a few different ways over the years. It matters on how long your cycle was and how long of a break. I’ve always went completely off for 4 to 8 weeks or until my body said to go back on. In the beginning of time, when there was 2 cycles a year, PCT made more sense to me. At that time it was clomid and HCG. Cytaadren and teslac were popular for a couple years. Some will disagree but taking breaks from everything and letting your systems “relax” appears to have merit. It takes me a minimum of a month to notice any strength or composition changes, if training and diet are still right.
Old is 47 with a few surgeries under my belt , shoulder, elbows , so not that old just looking to do things right .I used to just stay on test when I wasnt cycling , i do agree it is good to take a break and clean your system out.