New member
Have been reading thru a lot of reviews sites lately trying to find the right sources and people to get/ take advice from. May of the post here seem very informative and straight forward. Long story short I feel comfortable using this site as platform to talk/ receive information about secure sources and sharing my experiences. I’d like to share a little background info about how I got here. In 2015 I had a friend who was started on trt. For whatever reason he got double the monthly amount and extended an offer for me to try. Of course I accepted. Once the well ran dry I turned to the internet to find a source to order from. I read reviews and went to all kinds of steroid/ body building review sites and made a choice to order (not sure if the source or brand matters here). But I did see results in strength, size, aggression, etc. never got blood work done just to young and stupid to know better back then. Anyway flash forward to about 15 weeks ago. A very close friend of mine works at a wellness clinic where trt is prescribed. Got some blood work done my Total testosterone was 240. Never did pct after previous cycles so obviously I shut my entire system down. Didn’t really feel it too much until around mid 2018. Had been in school, going thru a divorce and child custody issues. Anyway I’ve been on trt for nearly 20 wks now (200mg/wk) of test cyp is what is prescribed. Have pr’ed several lifts, lost nearly 12 lbs (I’m also dieting though), have a ton of energy, sex drive is thur the roof, oh and I feel slightly invincible. Long story short I want to supplement a little more now and feel I can do it safely and responsibly. I have read a fair amount of threads here and have found a source on the board who I’m currently in contact with. I wanted to reach out and give a brief background of my story. I want to help others or at least try. I know there are hundreds of dumb young kids looking to getting into trying steroids for the first time. If my input could even touch only one of those kids this effort of using this site and reviewing my cycles will be worth it to me. Thanks for taking the time to read thru this. Looking forward to hearing back from you all.