
Hello All,

New to the forums here but I’ve been interested in cycling for a few years now. Currently 24 turning 25 this year and as a present to myself I plan on starting a cycle. Hoping to gain a ton of knowledge from you guys on do’s and don’t. I guess thats it short and sweet. Any questions let me know!
You came to the right Forum brother! Wecome to UGM home of the Iron 💪
Any question or advice you can ask anything here brother, just remember to be safe!
Thanks! Im pretty nervous about starting so I want to do everything right. I’m in a good spot life wise and don’t have crazy commitments so I figure its time to do the thing I’ve been mulling over for a while. I’m excited though!
Welcome… don’t be nervous it will be well worth it, trust me!! I’m somewhat new here also, and everyone has been helpful, if I can pass on anything I have learned here it is that 1) the right diet is more important then the AAS your putting in your body and 2) is research everything your interested in trying, I research everything I put in my body, then I come back here and ask questions about it to confirm the info I found out.
If you allow me let me add 3) Proper training. Find the right work out for you, to achieve your personal goal.
Like John says this is the right place to learn and ask questions
Will do. As of now my diet consists of 2-3 eggs, greek yogurt, and fruit for breakfast. Chicken and broccoli for lunch. Some combination for chicken/steak and rice for dinner with a protein shake before bed. Also diet soda here and there to help with sweet cravings. Been losing some weight doing this( 208 in Jan, 197 at the moment 5’9’’ for height) Trying to cut sub 190 before my birthday rolls around and decided if I should continue to cut down or maintain.
Welcome to ugm glad to have you around brother.
If you need anything just let me know im here to help so is everyone else. This is a great forum especially if you’re just starting out. Some of the other boards are rough on the newer guys but we welcome everyone and are happy to help.
That was my thought as well. My birthday is in September which is when I was going to evaluate my situation and decide if its worth doing at whatever level I’d be at that time. My thought process was if I can consistently cut weight and be at a reasonable weight then go for it. The last thing I want is so start of wrong and waste the benefits.