January 10th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good afternoon.So the cops paid a visit to me this morning,they were cool, VA police,my neighbor was blaring some Mexican fuckin shit,and I cherish the sleep I can get and he was fuckin with it.Didnt make it to the gym.protein shake is all I’ve consumed,and of fuckin course I have a team meeting to request to extend my stay by a few weeks in about 40 minutes…it has to be today,what the fuck.
Training back soon. Haven’t eaten yet. Trying to switch from night to day shifts. Hope everything works out @John . I know what you mean about the sleep. I don’t tolerate idiots messing with it either.
Well they bitched at me a little,then gave the go ahead for the extension and for that I am grateful.
I got nutracost sleep complex and did the three pill dose I couldn’t get out of bed today.
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Recovering from heavy deads last night. Pretty rare that I’m this sore this quickly after a workout. Not sure if that’s good or bad!

Regardless, about to have five eggs, cup of rice, bagel, and a protein shake.

A good friend of mine has a remedy for a neighbor loudly playing bad music, viz.: Play even worse music as loudly as possible with high distortion loudspeakers pointed directly at them. Something like Celine Dion My Heart Will Go On at 100 db. Works like a charm.
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