January 4th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 chobani and 5 turkey sausage, protein shake, banana,coffee, cranberry juice… Skipped gym yesterday so arms it is.Today I am grateful for my daughter,I can’t say it enough but her laugh is so pure and heart warming,words can’t really describe it but it makes me feel good.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Just got done doing chest and triceps. Had toast and egg whites earlier. Protein shake and a banana now. Cobb salad for lunch. Yogurt and cottage cheese before dinner. Dinner 🤷
Morning fellas. I had cottage cheese, Gluten free bagel w cream cheese for breakfast. 8oz ground turkey w veggies for lunch. Got my TRT lab work back and Aced it lol. I always get nervous something will be out of wack, lipids are golden, liver enzymes, eGFR all look good. Test came in at 850, e2 at 19. That was on 50mg of a cyp/prop blend (200mg/ml 160cyp/40prop). Tapered down to that to make sure my test wasn’t too high for the labs. Going to increase to 66mg (.33cc) MWF. run that for a couple weeks prior to a blast. Which will likely just be higher test around 350 with mast or anavar very low dose sprinkled in.
Same Eats…
BF #1 - 3 eggs, 3 eggs whites, rice
BF #2 - Overnight oat in soy milk, w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder
Snack #1 - Strawberry/Banana 50g protein smoothie
Lunch - Lean ground chicken, protein rice, veggies
Dinner - Taco (wednesday)

100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls 20#
25-20-15-10-5 Hang Power Snatches 75#

Daily Gratitude:
@Dirtnasty recommendation for Collagen II which seems to be moving the needle.
I made my lunch today,fuck the chow halls shitty food. So I made 3 tilapia fillets (60 grams protein) which is pretty good cause the fillets are small.2 cups basmati rice.Salad with balsamic vinegar
Struggling with no training feel little motivation to even get out of bed to just go do light cardio. Will go do light dead’s tomorrow practice if I can just dive a rip the bar. I usually set up grabbing with one hand then the other and doig. A dive type nothing maybe if I jaut drop grab and explode it will can help off floor and help with staying braced
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