July 18th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good afternoon all.Goin to look at a apt today.i already plan on getting it,spoke with the landlord twice,I will have lake access to if I get it.Breakfast was a plain bagel with homemade strawberry jam, banana,peach chobani, coffee and water.Lunch will be whatever garbage the chow hall has for us today.Goin to the pool to do laps later.Dinner will be steak fajitas,salad,5 oatmeal raisin cookies.Today I am grateful for my daughter,she’s the main reason that I give a shit about anything.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
New guy at work had his first fuck up dropped knife into grinder then the guy training him cut himself trying to take grinder apart to get knife out haha. We had to scrap about 1.5. Batches of product on already low production week
Sucks but good teaching moment. You know told him there isn’t Nything he could do that somebody hasn’t already done fuck up wise. I guess he wanted to prove me wrong
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