July 20th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all,slept like shit.Breaskfast was cheese steak, Chees and pepper, R1 shake, banana,water apple juice.sweating my ass off already,got my gallon jug with liquid IV. Probably not lifting today.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
BF 1 - Overnight Oats
BF2 - Strawberry/Banana 50g Protein Smoothie
Lunch - Mixed veggies, Roasted Turkey, Protein Infused Rice

Workout -
100 Cal Assault Bike
80 DB Walking Lunges #50
60 Wallballs #20
40 DB Snatches #50

Getting harder and harder to eat in the middle of the summer, losing a little weight weekly…blurg.
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Meal 1 is green beans and chicken
Meal 2 is zucchini and chicken
Pre is 3/4 lbs of pickles and whey protein “cookie”
Meal 4 is one rice cake baked into a whey cookie
Meal 5 is chicken and green beans
Meal 6 is slightly more chicken with a egg over easy. Hitting back and biceps after my car ride home from a mini vacation as it is also my low carb day.
I added in walking lunges a few weeks ago but had to stop,I feel pain in my hammy right leg when I do it,I can do squats,and use the machines,but something about those lunges don’t agree with me.
Well it looks like I fucked up big time,wife is home today,there’s some things moved around and in odd places,which means I was sleep walking,she was in spare bedroom and apparently there’s a 25ga unopened on the bed,and alcohol pads opened,a bunch to be exact. I told her to check for where I keep my kit with all the healing oils in it,it is not fuckin where it usually is,and it is not in the spare bedroom either.Who knows where I put it.i left work and have been looking for half a hour I’m fucking furious at myself,theres a fair amount of compound in that kit,I’m fucked,I finally decide to restart my cycle and this is what I get.Not goin back to work.
Yes sir. I’ve slept walked and woke up covered in mud and blood. That time i woke up to cops yelling. It triggered me and set me off. So 5 of them beat on me with their sticks for about 10 minutes or so. At that point my neighbors came out and was yelling at the cops. Neighbors went and woke my old lady up. She had to explain to them i was asleep. Then they released me so I could go back to bed. It’s pretty crazy.
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