SB Labs

July 27th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all. Breakfast was 5 HB no yolk, cinnamon raisin bagel,peach chobani,water.Lunch was 2 turkey,White American cheese, lettuce and tomato.5 oatmeal raisin cookies, cranberry juice and water.working til 3 after that who the hell knows.Not sure about dinner.No gym.Today I am grateful for all the knowledge I’ve soaked up on this forum.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
No gym replacing meal with protein shake because of it. I officially realize I. Will have to diet down for meet I was 311 this morning and we’ll that means I’ll either need to lose some fat or just not eat after 8 pm night before weight ins maybe. But it’s looking like I’ll cut out the caloric beverages after this weekend
Trained legs early in the morning. 2 Eggs and potatoes with a cup of whites. Had tuna and rice for lunch. Donated some blood. Ate about 5 packs of welch’s jelly’s. Had a shaved steak wrap for dinner
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