June 17th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Hi all.Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk,1 plain bagel, banana,water/ cranberry juice.I haven’t been to the gym in like a week, seriously lacking in motivation.Been busting my ass trying to find a house or apartment to rent,shit half the people don’t call or email you back,hello what the fuck every month a place is empty is costing somebody money.
Anyways,I am grateful that I got to hangout with my outfuckingstanding daughter yesterday,it was good for my soul.Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Just hate frosted mini wheats got second lighter more form work legs in about 2 hours then some chicken wings maybe and not sure what else today. Back to flying solo so I only have to worry about my food which likely means less carry out and more cooking something I can eat multiple meals in
I think th is one will stick as she moves next Saturday. She is just too unstable for me to commit even if I love her. She broke up with me two weeks ago to only change her mind the next day I gave her way tok many chances and since I already had both tickets to festival I said to myself make or break. She didn’t even try to have good time and left me by myself for the first night then left as soon as doors opened the Saturday morning only to then come back that day again. I had so much fun that night I basically knew then we were done and her move would be perfect timing for fresh start. I was going to try and wait till she moved so it wouldn’t add more stress. We had agreed to pay movers as with my work schedule and lifting schedule the last thing I need is more physical work. She decided Thursday nope she didn’t want to pay for them so I said I would pay and she could get me back. Then I said I would pay no pay back again that was a no. Well then fuck it I’m out.
You’re too easy going to tolerate that stress/drama.

Take it from me… they don’t get better after you marry them.
Oh I know it sucks cause I really feel she has all the potential to be great. But her insecurities make her go loco. I’ll say this she is highly sexual perosn eants it all the time pretty much. The issue arises though the stresses me and I get sores from that so it’s ano go then her constant tryingto catch me
Cheat just makes
Me shit down sexually. We broke up and it’s almost immediately I feel like I have an appetite again
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Wife came home with fresh produce from the local mom n pop stand we like. They have hot houses and already have some delicious maters and cucumbers.
Coming home wi th fresh burger from fresh burger and wings to cook later
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