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June 1st weekend check ins

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Military Vet
Good morning all. No gym. Working halfday.Then gonna hangout with my sister and niece and nephew,their a blast, 7 and 4. Alls we gotta do is take them to water.Gonna grill later with myself again.Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will go to gym tomorrow,and woulda thought, i now have to walk past a dispensary to get to my gym. They offer the same discount if i have a medical card as veterans. Their so over priced,but they have specialty items i looked at.
No training today… already been on the stupid end of a shovel… rake and wheel barrow getting yard straight after new driveway.

Beautiful spring so far. Not too hot nice breeze. It got humid a few days but overall nice weather.
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Legs trying new bar so far on pow weights it will work but I know when I rack the higher weights I won’t have time to move hands
Been close to ocean my whole life,and loved the fact that when i was stationed in LeJune i didnt have to leave base to fish in the ocean.
We got granddaughter all weekend. Step son and his wife are 40 miles or so offshore fishing this weekend.
Hope so!!! Sea bass… trigger fish…sail fish… all great eats!!!

The government shut down flounder fishing this year. It’s some of my favorite. If you get caught with one in your cooler…$$$$$$ fine
The marine fisheries department said the stock is depleted.

Probably so… commercial and recreational dudes have always been slaying those things.
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