SB Labs

June 3rd edition of diets and training

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Military Vet
Good morning all. I am in NYC goin to a Mets game today,gonna go to a Press Conference and meet some players,go on the field before the game,food and drinks paid for(not alcohol,my anxiety is gonna be high with the amount of noise and people drinking will not help) I got a few edibles and my weed pen.My friend in the city walks a dog who works for the Mets front office.
Again this is a high anxiety situation for me,but one that I just couldn’t pass up.Im grateful for this opportunit.Hope everyone has a great weekend
I had a high anxiety situation yesterday. Took the kids to a trampoline park that was loaded with people. Everyone trying to talk over the next. It was so loud I couldn’t take no more after about 45 minutes. I had to go sit in the car. My heart was just pounding. My body tense as fuck. I could have just snapped at any moment. That was after smoking a big dabbed up blunt before going in. Good luck today brother.
Yeah I’m sure that sucked. I’m not gonna have to deal with crowds coming in since I gotta be there awhile before the game starts,so that’s a plus
Hopefully you have a good seat without anyone right behind you. I can’t deal with having people behind me and moving around or getting too close to me. I like being able to see everything going on around me.
I’m sure the seats will be good,I’ll take a pic when I’m there.
Have a great time I’ve had pizza tacos and some reeces cups today been a little carb depleted lately. Will meet with some old coworkers for what is likely last drinks till end of prep. No drinking at festival next weekend. Do some pork chops before that and get wings while I’m out.
I haven’t had a banquet beer in forever. My cheap go to is high life in fact I’m on 3rd waiting to hear back from these damn ladies on when we are meeting I may have to have dd just to get there. This is the last chance for Me to make plans with them. I’ll tell them in the future juat text me when you’re out and I may show up. I like to know a time when I’ll meeting people after we are out I’ll do anything but my anxiety on being places on tiem kills me when it’s we’ll let you when we are heading out
It’s usually the cheap beer all the bar tenders and people that work in the industry in Cincinnati drink. I like good beers especially iPas but I also know when the time for just a cheep cold beer is
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