June 6th 1944 dday long time ago

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Staff member
Just wanted to mention, and give remembrance to all those, Hard Fuckin Men, who had to drive up to the beach in those boats, while getting constantly sprayed with machine gun fire,and still had storm the beaches,I would be absolutely scared shitless,I’ve been to war,a few times and been shot at a fair amount,but nothing like what those badass gentlemen had to encounter.Thanks for listening.
@John I copied this from an article.

Now, assuming that D-Day veterans have died at the same rate as other WWII veterans, we can estimate that 1.8% of the 140,000 are still living. That gives us an estimate of 2,520 D-Day veterans still living in 2021.Mar 5, 2021
Such a small percent and number,there’s not gonna be many left to soon,I love seeing or running into those old guys,I always say thank you.
Me too. You know where I live at… I used to bump into a gentleman every so often. He wore a usmc korean war ball cap with the chosin reservoir lingo on it.

He was very old and I used to stop and chitchat with him. Haven’t seen him around in years. I assume he died.
The description of what happened to those that stormed the beach at Normandy–a fate they all knew very well–is truly horrific. That is pure heroism and sacrifice, of a type that today’s generation is completely ignorant and unappreciative. Remember and never forget.
There’s statistics out there I’ve seen. All wwII vets will be dead very soon.
Dam that sucks,thanks for sharing…on a brighter note, I sat down with a beer and roasted peanuts for a ball game, i enjoy baseball, i also got a bushel of little necks, and gonna do burgers on the grill in a bit,nice and relaxing
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