"Just a hematoma" I live to train another day!


Staff member
Incision and drainage of basically blood(serosanguinous) sp? Got some more Antibiotics to be safe iv overnight … No pus or infection. So for my troubles, at least I gave blood 😉 and had full labs done…no testosterone or anything like that. But my liver and other organs are ok for an eighty year old! Jokes aside, I’m going to really take this self administering AAS even more serious. I am going to follow the “look good naked” like @SemperFi. How it grounds a man to go to the hospital(again) and get his ass drained. Very professional…not! Thank God it wasn’t infected or I wasn’t septic. Gonna rest up this weekend and hopefully go to the gym soon. 257 lbs upon arriving …the worst 250 of my life…215 here I come.
Glad to hear your ass is going to survive.

I think theres a time when everyone needs to realize you dont have to be the biggest. Lifes too short to die trying to be the biggest. After a certain age health and family needs to be priority. You dont have to quit the gym but you dont have take unneccesary risks either.
Your right and I really love UGM. Its time for me to pass on some helpful tips and 100% right on your part…why? The best I ever felt was 3 years ago. I was lucky enough to travel to work and train and I trained hard ate out a lot but real clean and was like 240 lean with smaller legs. But , I did only volume and pump…no bent rows, squats …nothing dangerous…fun. I did like some para pharma and some basic shit. 750 test, EQ 600, masteron or pro viron. The more I wanted to compete again the more unhealthy I’ve been feeling…you know the feeling gotta do this, gotta do that. I love iron sports but this last debacle was humbling and I am so glad that us(me) older guys can say hey enough is enough…anyone can do what they want but…that pop I “heard” could of been like a 23g Crystal bullet punching me deep into my muscle??? I have always been so proud of myself…u were probably the same way…I would do the Sustanon preload with the 8 inch 16g needle:skull:💀💀💀💀
Lol i loved those old preloads but nothing like Mexican made needles… back in those days we maxed out the sryinge on everything…
It made sense to blast everything there grab a bottle of Kailua and cross with some girl. Go back next week. A couple backfires like when we first found reforvit we didn’t know or care about half lives so for 30 bucks I must of did 15 ml. I think it was 30ml. But, had other vitamins and 300 mg of dbol? It is real funny. Nothing less than full boat! I still have a hard time doing 1.5 of 3cc. I had to stay 2 days in Mexico so sick with “flu” omg 25 years ago…ahhhhhhhh.
If you inject gear that crystallizes in your muscle does it slowly run its course out of your muscle or is it always a for sure trip to the doctor?
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Hey Guys!

@josh not necessarily, it all depends on how our system absorbs a given chemical compound , how the immune system reacts to the rejection of a chemical compound, whether the solvent did not infect the cell or the circulatory system because if the gear was not filtered correctly and made also then there are additional complications. @rnmuscle example is a classic reject of a chemical product where, fortunately, his body responded with a hematoma at one point of inflammation, because the problem would be if the body would spread inflammatory points to many places more dangerous to our health or life.
@josh we shouldn’t ask about “IF you inject that crystalizes in….” I’m answering that we SHOULD NOT even think about it because then we do it consciously and put us to lottery.
Do we want that way? Of course we are adults and we can make our own decision, but from my experience all the broken injections in the pharmaceutical factory have never been allowed to be used.
We all see that underground likes experiments but…. If someone DIES (hope not) I’m curious who will be responsible for it?
@rnmuscle I’m glad that everything goes back to normal and I hope that your post will be a WARNING for all those who claim that the crashed gear is g2g



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I will be taking this into consideration this winter. My TNE is usually crashed and reheated just before pinning.
Knowledge is power … and safety
Great response @SymBiotecLab. Not sure how or when people started to think that it’s ok to use crashed gear or to even reheat it. I’ve heard of reheating it if it’s been sitting in a cold place but at room temperature??? I’m glad UG is taking a stand against people selling crappy gear.

@Burrr even tne shouldn’t crash if it’s crashed well you need to question the lab or person making it. So guys don’t accept crashed gear as oh it’s because it’s tne. I’ve seen other tne and it wasn’t crashed.

@rnmuscle bro glad you didn’t have to have emergency surgery or anything like that. Get well
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PHD said:
bro glad you didn’t have to have emergency surgery or anything like that.
I know someone recently that just had to have 10% of his left quad removed. Wasn’t a pretty sight and it trained wrecked his entire dream of being a competitor.
I had a serious infection in my shoulder. Not due to bad gear but being stupid during prep and not being thorough. That sucks man. I was lucky they got mine in time. It was set up as gracious gangrene and they drained 800cc worth of fluid out. It was disgusting. I did finish second in my class lol.
PHD said:
I’ve heard of reheating it if it’s been sitting in a cold place but at room temperature?
What would you consider a cold place, or what temp is considered to cold? Just curious because I think I just ran into an issue yesterday!
Ummm cold is cold not room temperature! Like sitting in ur fridge or freezer or outside for length of time. (Not talking about shipping either). Yes people ship even during winter months. And if it sits on porch I. Freezing weather for a day or so should be fine. Doubt it’s cold enough any where (yet) for this to happen
For sure I get what you’re saying… what about let’s say it’s something that’s sitting at room temp, but sitting for “awhile”? (And by “awhile” I mean maybe by a sponsor having it sit for awhile?) Possibility of products still crashing?