I can only say this. Im not here to change anyones mind on anything. I have access to very sanitary conditions, always use a draw needle, Yada, Yada… Ive used AAS for a long time,Knew the right people in powerlifting, Beat guys onstage that are pros (or were as well) . Its fun to look back. Being the young kid with anthony Clark, Kirk Karwoski, ETC. 2 ruptured triceps and a torn patellar tendon, Posterior Ligament, a couple incisions and drainages. I also have other Knowledge. I 100% did not believe in the heating of gear, but then again I didn’t believe in pro hormone craze until I saw guys blowing up(getting sick too) I was there for the GHB powder sold at the Gymmees store and until I heard they were taking it off the shelves. I heard about evryone doing the “crashed gear” and so followed suit. I dont even know what happened but it was different than the 10 other times i did it. I felt a “pop” after pushing hard on the syringe. So , possibly a “crystal” lodged in some tissue and caused bleeding? I cant say. I just know theres worse stuff that can happen. But if we can follow That harm reduction(great idea) process,the next guy doesnt miss 3 weeks of training, cant sleep, have to walk in and say " can you please look at my ASS? Lifes just easier!!! How many of us would admit using over and over that troy(illeum) and a couple other winstrol that would clog a 20g, so I would shake it real hard and go real fast and half the time the neddle blew off!!! All of a sudden , its micronized we need. With all the knowledge at our fingertips we should know better.