SB Labs

Just checking in with everyone

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all.Im working til 1300,then hunting til dark,ive hunted 2× and shot a deer each time,hopefully tonight i will be 3 for 3.Killing and butchering my own deer is like a drug for me,and as of lately i could use some drugs,ive come real close to using pills the last two weeks,so basically its only a matter of time before i break down and get some pills,so i need to kill something today.Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Currently at gym doing squats got Matt rife tonight. Hopefully girl finds overnight sitter as it ends at 12 and I don’t want to have to drive back home that late and her to have to get her kid that late
No deer tonight,had em coming in to me and a dam
Coyote came over the ridge,and alls i seen were whitetails running everywhere,son of a bitch.
Unfortunately @Poppy,talking to my therapist,talking to my new woman,my sister,all that talk therapy combined with meds,doesnt always work,and when ive exhausted all other avenues of approache,what am i left to do but medicate myself.
Haven’t been very active due to my work.

Hope things begin looking up for you brother. I’ve been down the self medication route with pills and it always sounds better than how it ends up…
I know very little about pills… I know vicodin and other painkillers have dragged several of friends down to hell. They were good dudes… got injured and got hooked…. Ended up jobless divorced…one just died at 50yo.

I’m all about free will and you can make your own decisions but maybe give this a second thought.
Its absolutely expensive @JLee,1 hershey sized chocolate bar is 60 bucks for me,i cant do that long term,and if i cant do it consistently,im not doin it at all.
I been second thinkin it since my buddy offed himself,im lost in the sauce i guess.
Well we shall see what happens i guess. Im spending all day with my daughter and her best friend tomorrow,that should recharge my life battery,and lift my spirit’s a bit.
I agree,however i only get to see my daughter once a week so i cant be dependent on seeing her ya know.
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