Just now an introduction


Well-known member
Hi there, I’m somewhat new to this site. I’ve been lifting and competing in bodybuilding since 2006. However, I’ve been lifting as long as I can remember. I knew fitness was my passion so I pursued a degree in exercise science with a minor in nutrition. I was fortunate to do my internship with a division 1 school, training all the athletes. I’ve been on a competing hiatus for about 4 years. I will be prepping for another show come January. I’m glad to be here, share experience and learn from others.
We’re also glad that you’re here with your knowledge it helps the community a lot I’m going to be starting my cycle around the same time.
Im running
Test e
What are you running for your prep im interested in what you choose to get back on stage.
I appreciate the invite! I really like this board, everyone seems really cool.
Oh nice, that will be a great cycle for you.

My prep is real simple.
I’ll run sust
Superdrol at the front and anavar the last 5 weeks.
I’ll drop the sust and switch over to test p the last 5 weeks. That’s literally all I do
That’s a solid cycle I won’t go near the superdrol but if you can handle it it’s a very powerful compound and then the way you have it all set up it’s a really good cycle what types of milligram do you run?

How you run NPP and EQ I was actually even thinking about possibly throwing in some NPP on top of my primobolan. I believe the dhb and the nor 19 is a very good combination
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Yeah I agree, I actually prefer superdrol over Dbol.

My breakdown usually looks like this

900-1000 sust
750 Eq
150 npp
30 mg superdrol

At the end I’ll run 600 test p
Keep the npp the same and I’ll run Eq up until the last week.
Anavar will be ran at 75 mg

I agree, I think that’s a great combo!
I think I will give it a go. Yeah I was told to pin it at least eod by someone who runs it a lot. He said some people who are against it don’t pin it enough to make use of the short esters. Sure e3d suffices too.
Here are my pre comp prep pics.



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I like how stable it is by pinning more frequently but in the end I respond better to the longer esters with less side effects …
Welcome? I’m old and confused don’t we have a swole88. Islandswole I see but …maybe a different board. Anyway , solid pre contest physique. Lean enough, one can tell where the delineation is gonna come in. When you day 1st 5 weeks of SD and last 5 of anabar…I did not correct that …so 10 weeks of “diet”. Some of our sponsors should make the supplements in real “food products” the chocolate peanut butter ANABAR. TRENBOLI noodles with a white ANAPOLONase sauce. Get your food and drugs together. Are you a dare a say small heavy or a large lightheavy?