Kicking off deca witty npp


Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
If I’m going to be running 600 deca a week and wanted to get it started with some npp anybody have recommendations of how to dose and and administer it correctly. Or just go with deca and let the dbol do it’s thing first 4 weeks
I say go with the decca if you’re going to run a long cycle or go with npp for a shorter run.
Decca at 600mg is alot of nandrolone especially once built up in your system. Npp at 600 isn’t as much because the phenylpropionate ester is heavy and is actually much less.
I just want to run the npp for
First few weeks while deca kicks in. Like maybe do 600 deca 300 npp first week then maybe 200 npp secind week. Kind of like a front load didn’t know it this was a thing
@Dirtnasty shoot your NPP EOD or every 3rd day at the most. I go two days in between injections, with everything, if it’s a longer life eater I lower the dose per shot… NPP I would shoot 100 mg per injection and taper out as your Deca kicks in
So the way nandrolone works is different from something like EQ long esters but front loading nandrolone is going to lead to massive estrogen and progesterone. Your better off going 15wks decca 20wks testosterone to let the decca leave your system unless you plan on cruising afterwards.