Kindeys and testosterone


Well-known member
anyone ever feel a tightness in thier kidneys directly after pinning. im wondering if this might be something to do with high blood pressure making the kidneys work harder but i really don’t know. you guys have any ideas.
well i guess it could be but i thought those were brought on by orals and im only on test right now and it doesn’t feel like its in the muscle it literally feels like my kidneys are squeezing for a bit after i pin
Sometimes when I pin glutes I get a little tightness and discomfort right around the tailbone area, prolly due to improper injection, it’s a pain in the ass for me to hit glutes lol , but as far as kidney functions go I would recommend getting some bloods done
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I have had kidney pain before from orals but I haven’t from testosterone. Is it right after you pin and only after?
I would recommend to increase your water intake but besides that I don’t know why it would cause that?
yeah its only right after pinning. my next blood test is still just over 3 weeks away so i won’t see my doc again until those come back
thats wat ill do guys. thanks for all the input. i didn’t think it was normal but i thought id ask. i was waiting until after my next blood test to start my cycle. get bloods sooner start cycle sooner. win win