Knowing how to open a glass ampoule, 1st time


Well-known member
I’ve never done it myself and noticed a few products that I’d be interested in come in glass ampoules. So I thought id share for any other first timers who need to learn also…
If anybody has a better video or idea please share.

You might need to explain the cap procedure to me, because i’ve never opened one in the first place so how would you do that?
Place writing pen cap over the top of the ampule. Squeeze. Snap.

You can also use a syringe. Just remove the plunger. Place the syringe over the top to the neck. Snap the top off.

They make screened drawing needles if glass shards are a concern. Draw with the the screened needle. Replace and inject with your regular needle. If you opened the amp correctly this will not be a concern.
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It’s actually easy. I just did my sust this morning. Wrap in a towel hold it in Palm and with thumb push it away from you at the top with part of towel around it. Make sure black dot is facing you it’s the weak point to break it 😉 you’re welcome

These are the filter needles I use to draw


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I wish I could show the needle better I of course Dont want to open it because there expensive and I wouldn’t be able to use it.
There is what looks like a barrel filter that I believe is carbon but I might be wrong but they work great. I use them if I break the top or just don’t get a clean break. I will even use them on the last shots out of a vial to make sure that I don’t get a floater from the stopper. There good to always have a couple around.
The first picture was good enough to be able to get the info i’l need for them. And yeah your right would be good for that stopper floater on your last bit coming out of vials!
Thanks for posting that it does work wonders. The last thing people want is glass particles in their oil then injecting it in their muscle. I stopped buying amps a long time ago. On the other hand PSL has that top you put on vials where the needle punctures the top and has the threaded top so you just screw your syringe on draw out the oil unscrew then put your needle on, I love that thing it’s so simple but no one came up with it for the longest time. Things are so much easier than they use to be I remember the smallest needles I could get were 20 or 21 gauge it was like sticking a straw I my ass cheek lol.