Lab Reaults - 5 weeks on ISO


Currently running 450mg/week Test ISO from @GearChurch.

Pinning MWF
12.5mg Aromasin on Saturday
20mg Nolvadex on Tuesday & Thursday

E2 is slightly elevated, but with those numbers, I would kind of expect that. Should I add another day of Aromasin in there? Last time I did blood work I was running 350mg/week with Aromasin 2x a week, and E2 was pretty low.

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If you’re not experiencing any problems or side effects from your e2 at 60 I wouldn’t raise your aromasin I would keep it the same e2 is extremely anabolic and needed to grow so you would still grow with it in range but I honestly shoot for 60 or below for me is great on cycle.

I would also actually say 10mg of nolvadex ed would also protect you from e2 causing gyno. Since you already are running it but if you feel good I wouldn’t change a thing honestly
This is the second fella in as many days that has extraordinarily high test numbers with a relatively smaller dosage of t.

Just a thought…my thoughts… maybe there was a lot of ugl’s shorting the dosage on their t in the past years and now with all of the testing available to us average joes… they’re stepping up their game.
I mean I have similar using gear church at 759
With proviron and eq. So the 4200 total test I had when running 1200 Let’s me know I was underdosed
That’s not exactly true because it depends on so many variables. Look at @Kad1 he goes crazy high off the smallest amounts.
Like I was saying my numbers don’t go that high when im running.
It has alot to do with individual to individual.
Can I say for sure it was or wasn’t of course not but there’s alot of variables to pulling blood work.
I agree but I see numbers all over the place based on individual.
Normally dose x5 and that’s average but I haven’t seen blood work that matches that old way in awhile.


This though depends did the person pull there blood work with the same exact routine you did?

If not then the total testosterone can be off if they inj closer to the test or further away half life has alot to do with the blood pulling protocol.

I honestly don’t know though unless you both compared exactly the inj schedule and how and when blood work was pulled.
Thanks for the input! I try to take as much precaution as I can since I’ve already had Gyno surgery before.

& i always use PrivateMD and choose Quest and this test was done on a Tuesday morning (not a pin day)
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I pinned mid-day Monday, about an hour before I went to the gym. Even my last results at 350/week, my results was decently high, so it may just be how my body takes it? I’m also in my late 20’s if that matters.
It was two days after pin I did Mwf my other test was day after but I also truly believe I could
Feel a difference between the vials i had. I’ll never know but it does mak e the 500 test p Im going to do for bloods a bit more interesting.