Labs AND Some Changes…AGAIN

Dude. There just is a number in age that you have to stop. I hit mine like a brick wall a few months back. Just time to say it’s done. At our age the risk isn’t worth the reward. The reward being death. 😉
I know you’ve posted in the past about not having to prove anything to anyone anymore…that hit home with me. The last 24 hours I’ve been doing some cogitating and there’s no real good reason for me to do anything like that anymore. If it was a minuscule health sacrifice then it might be different but like you said, I was headn for a miserable short remaining life.
@Poppy I’m sorry to see/hear about your labs, and you know I concur in your assessment of getting old. I did a reasonably hard 1 hour and 20 minute upper chest and tri workout today followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio on the treadmill (walking at 3.5MPH at 1% incline) and honestly thought I was going to die afterwards. That’s the kind of workout I used to call “light.” I had to nap (yes, nap) for 30 minutes after drinking my protein after that workout. Just doesn’t matter what you do, there are some ways in which age beats us. And that sucks.
Age is undefeated you may win a later round or two but it really comes on strong. Better cardio than anyone has ever had. Just pummels you till they call the fight eventually
As much as that sucks about the labs always remember you’re probably head and shoulders above most guys your age health wise. And I thing tossing out the tbol before the proviron sounds right since proviron is likely the least harmful oral that I’m aware of.
Yeah man…had good discussion with myself…although I still have my attitude from younger years…I have no business doing anything like tbol…even as “light” as it is.

We were at a funeral recently where a good friend kicked…got to see a bunch of people that we hadn’t seen in years. My wife said I looked better than all the rest there. I know it’s my wife and she was being nice to me so she could get laid haha but I think so too. Most everyone was broke down and/or way overweight.
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